Brief description
Depths to magnetic basement point data were generated in three areas (North Queensland; Gawler-Curnamona; Arunta-Georgina-Amadeus-Musgrave) for the Regional Geodynamic Project, part of the Onshore Energy Security Program. The point depths are interpretations of the depth to magnetic basement (in metres) which is generally the top of crystalline basement. However, due to geological complexity, including variability of magnetic properties of some geological units, the point depths may not coincide with the top of crystalline basement. The point depths should be viewed in conjunction with the map legends of previously released Depth to Magnetic Basement Maps of the three areas. The map legends provide an explanation of which geological units the depth estimates are mapping.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 2013
text: westlimit=130.389; southlimit=-33.656; eastlimit=144.593; northlimit=-17.715; projection=Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994
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