
AGY-495 | Department of Minerals and Energy (1988-1991) / Department of Mineral Resources [II] (1991-2004)

NSW State Archives Collection
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On 19th October 1988, the Department of Minerals and Energy was established to combine the roles of the former Departments of Energy and Mineral Resources, both of which were abolished.(1) The Department was to be responsible for the Management of the State's mineral and energy resources. It provided authoritative advice to government and the community on energy and mineral matters, their co-ordination, development, utilisation and conservation. The Department promoted these resources, technologies and associated expertise to generate employment, economic and community development, and fostered the safe and efficient exploration, production and utilisation of the State's energy and mineral resources.(2) On 1 July 1991, the Department of Minerals and Energy was renamed the Department of Mineral Resources.(3) The branches of Energy Executive, Energy Resources and Policy Division and Electricity Distribution Division of the former Department of Minerals and Energy were removed and added to the new Office of Energy, an Administrative Office responsible to the Minister for Energy. Following the severance of these branches the objectives of the Department became: a) to further the State's Economic Development through the mineral sector;
b) to encourage and advance the exploration for the assessment of the mineral resources of New South Wales;
c) to promote the safe, responsible, effective and efficient production and use of minerals;
d) to ensure a quality service to the Minister, government, industry and the community - and to provide support services to affiliated organizations.(4) In 1999, the Department of Mineral Resources consisted of the following Programs: i) Geological Survey – responsible for cartography, coal and petroleum geology, minerals assessment, regional geology and geophysics;
iii) Resource Planning and Development – titles, industry development, royalty, and legal services;
iv) Strategic Planning and Policy – strategic planning and reporting, organisational development and review, policy and executive support;
v) Information and Corporate Services – information and customer services, support services, financial services, employee relations, information technology.(5) The relocation in late 2004 of the majority of the Department’s Sydney based positions to Maitland was announced in the 2001-2002 financial year.(6) On 1 July 2004, the Department of Mineral Resources was abolished and its branches, along with the branches of the former Departments of NSW Agriculture, NSW Fisheries, and State Forests of NSW, were transferred to the Department of Primary Industries.(7) Mineral Resources became a Division of the Department of Primary Industries but retained its identity as Mineral Resources.(8) ENDNOTES
1. New South Wales Government Gazette No.158, 19 October 1988 p.5481.
2. Adapted from NSW Government Directory, 1989 p.208.
3. New South Wales Government Gazette No.101, 28 June 1991.
4. New South Wakes Government Directory, January, 1992 p.240.
5. Department of Mineral Resources Annual Report 1998-99, p3.
6. Department of Mineral Resources Annual Report 2001-2002, p6.
7. NSW Government Gazette Special Supplement No.100, 18 June 2004, p3817.
8. Department of Primary Industries website,, accessed 2/2/2005.

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