Brief description
The NRS Darwin mooring (IMOS platform code: NRSDAR), is one of 9 IMOS - ANMN National Reference Station (NRS) designed to monitor oceanographic phenomena in Australian coastal ocean waters. The NRSDAR buoy is deployed at Latitude: -12.3382, Longitude: 130.6952. The IMOS national reference stations will extend the number of long term time series observations in Australian coastal waters in terms of variables recorded both in their temporal distribution and geographical extent. It will also provide for biological, physical and chemical sampling and for 'ground truth' of remotely sensed observations.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: continualNotes
CreditAustralia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.
Steinberg, Craig, Mr
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
Modified: 17 10 2024
text: westlimit=130.6952; southlimit=-12.3382; eastlimit=130.6952; northlimit=-12.3382
Data access via Programming API
uri :
Data access using R
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Marine Weather Observations for Darwin
uri :
Darwin National Reference Station Mooring (NRSDAR) AIMS Real Time Data: Darwin National Reference Station Mooring (NRSDAR) AIMS Real Time Data
uri :
Biogeochemical water sampling data
uri :
Queensland and Northern Australia sub-facility of the ANMN: National Reference Station - moorings deployment details
uri :
IMOS: National Reference Stations
uri :
global : 0887cb5b-b443-4e08-a169-038208109466
- global : 9c7a97f2-a06a-446c-9712-c6e719da0d24