Brief description
This map is designed to show broad regolith-landform units, giving a regional overview of the main regolith types and their associated landforms.Included are the author's detailed Explanatory Notes to the map.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Initial data compiled in 1995/96 for the Cobar 1:500 000 sheet area. The data were captured from interpreted tracings made from 1:80 000 RC9 aerial photographs, Landsat TM imagery, existing NSW Department of Mineral Resources 1:250 000 geological maps and field mapping data onto topographic bases at 1:250 000 derived from AUSLIG 1:250 000 topo sheets (Bourke, Cobar and Nymagee). This compilation sheet was then scanned on an Eagle 3640 Scanner at a resolution of 400dpi. Resultant raster file warped to fit digital graticule generated using Intergraph CAM software. Affine-1 warp was used, with the four corners of the sheet forming tie points. The warped raster file was then vectorised and cleaned using Abakos Provec and Scanfix software. Intergraph Microstation vector data were plotted and visually checked prior to conversion to GIS format. No attribution was attatched to the Microstation data. Microstation vector data were translated to ESRI Arc/Info coverage format using in-house scripts and ESRIs IGDSARC utility. Attribute fields were populated and coverages were built, checked and edited.Arc/Info coverages were then exported to double precision, uncompressed Arc Export format. These were converted to ArcView shape files.
The 1998 revision comprised of updated boundary and attribute data plus a detailed extended look up table of data extracted from AGSOs RTMAP Oracle database.
Issued: 1999
text: westlimit=145.5; southlimit=-33.0; eastlimit=147.0; northlimit=-30.0
Earth Sciences |
GIS Dataset |
Published_External |
Regional |
geoscientificInformation |
regolith |
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- global : a05f7892-b0d5-7506-e044-00144fdd4fa6