Research Project
Researchers: Scott McKenry
Brief description Research project supported by the National Centre for Sustainability, Swinburne University of Technology.
Full description Industry 'call in' expertise is available to support many green skills strategies in the workplace, but this approach is unsustainable and does not meet the needs of having a highly attuned workforce with a strong skills and knowledge base around sustainability and climate change. This skills and knowledge gap is better met through the analysis of emerging needs and the provision of new educational products and services which will support a culture change and build capability in industry workers to identify and act on issues effecting climate change. The research program's primary aim was to quantify the impact of a carbon price on small-medium enterprises (SME) and map the responses of different industries to the challenges of operating in and adapting to a carbon constrained economy.
Significance statement This project relates directly to one of the national research priorities: An Environmentally Sustainable Australia.