Full description
This dataset covers the characterization of organics measured by fluorescence spectroscopy. This dataset includes the fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (F-EEM) spectra for water samples before and after alum treatment. The dataset is part of a collection involving experiments or data collected to investigate the influences of vegetation and soil texture on the nutrient concentrations and the concentration and character of organics present in catchment waters of drinking supply reservoir in the context of their treatability by conventional (coagulation, flocculation and disinfection) treatment processes. Water samples (runoff and subsurface) were collected from zero order catchments having distinct vegetative cover (Australian native vegetation, pine plantation, grasslands) and contrasting texture of the surface soil horizon. Surface water samples were also collected from the Myponga River and Myponga Reservoir. The data presented is the result of a laboratory scale based investigation using natural source water and does not reflect the water quality of product water from a full-scale drinking water treatment plant. This dataset is provided by the University of South Australia (UniSA). All data in this dataset was collected as part of the Australian Research Council project, ARC Linkage-LP110200208. Reuse Information
Existing data was sourced from:
local :
PhD Thesis, Master Thesis and published journal and conference papers
The following software (and version) was used to generate or capture the data:
local :
Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher
Data time period: 20 12 2011 to 31 12 2016
030500 |
Chemical Engineering |
Civil Engineering |
DOM character |
Decision Support and Group Support Systems |
Engineering |
Environment |
Environmental Science and Management |
Environmental Sciences |
Environmentally Sustainable Information and Communication Services |
Environmentally Sustainable Information and Communication Services Not Elsewhere Classified |
Health |
Information and Communication Services |
Information and Computing Sciences |
Information Systems |
Land and Water Management |
Land and Water Management of Environments Not Elsewhere Classified |
Landuse |
Natural Resource Management |
Public Health (Excl. Specific Population Health) |
Public Health (Excl. Specific Population Health) Not Elsewhere Classified |
Soil texture |
Water Quality -- Catchments (including groundwater systems) -- Water quality monitoring |
Water Quality -- Source Water -- Surface waters |
Water Quality -- Surface waters -- Treatments |
Water Quality -- Water quality monitoring -- Chemical measurements |
Water Quality Engineering |
Water Treatment Processes |
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- Local : research.unisa.edu.au/dataset/273952
- URI : researchoutputs.unisa.edu.au/11541.1/031d68a9e9b143ef8c69e5bae5bbc9ae