Brief description
Brumbys 1 was an appraisal well drilled and cored through Brumbys Fault at the CO2CRC Otway International Test Centre in 2018. The Otway Project is located in South West Victoria, on private farming property approximately 35 km southeast of Warrnambool and approximately 10 km northwest of the town of Peterborough. Total measured depth was 126.6 m (80 degrees). Sonic drilling enabled excellent core recovery and the borehole was completed as a groundwater monitoring well. Brumbys 1 cores through the upper Hesse Clay, Port Campbell Limestone and extends into the Gellibrand Marl. This dataset compiles the extensive analysis undertaken on the core. Analysis includes: Core log; Foram Analysis; Paleodepth; % Carbonate (CaCO3); X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF); Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS); X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); Grain Size; Density; Surface Area Analysis (SAA); Gamma. Samples were taken at approximately 1-2 m intervals.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
PurposeTo provide new insight in the Port Campbell Limestone regional aquifer and Brumbys Fault.
Issued: 19 11 2021
Data time period: 2018-01-01 to 2019-12-31
text: westlimit=142; southlimit=-39; eastlimit=143; northlimit=-38
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uri :
- DOI : 10.26186/146045
- URI :
- global : eb786367-42ed-4667-8a85-d79b84ec5d82