Brief description
In February 1990, 53 hydrographic stations were sampled in the far northern Great Barrier Reef. The cruise track was laid out to cover inshore, outer-shelf and Coral Sea waters within and seaward of three major coastal embayments, Lloyd Bay, Temple Bay and Shelburne Bay. Two additional stations were sampled in transit to the study area.Water samples were collected with Niskin bottles through the full depth of the water column or upper 300m. A series of subsamples of water were drawn from the Niskin bottles and prepared for later analysis. Analyses conducted were dissolved nutrients, chlorophyll, suspended solids, particulate nitrogen (PON) and particulate phosphorous (POP). At primary production stations a subsample of water was taken for estimation of water column primary production using 14C-bicarbonate. A subsample of water was also taken to assess the contribution of pico-, nano, and phytoplankton to community biomass and productivity.At most stations triplicate sediment samples were collected using a van Veen grab. Subsamples of the sediment were taken for determination of sediment nitrogen and phosphorous. Subsamples were also taken for grain-size analysis. The gravel fraction was further investigated to determine the percentage of material from biological or terrigenous sources. Water column zooplankton stocks were sampled using bottom-to-surface vertical net tows at most stations. Subsamples were processed for later dry weight analysis.Salinity and temperature profiles for 11 of the first 13 stations were derived from CTD casts. After the failure of the CTD, insitu temperatures were measured with reversing thermometers and surface and near bottom water samples were collected for analysis of salinity.Subsurface irradiance profiles were measured at 24 stations. This survey was carried out to obtain baseline data on hydrographic, nutrient and sediment characteristics of shelf waters and sediments in the far northern Great Barrier Reef as areas on the adjacent mainland were under consideration for National Park declaration, the construction of a rocket launching facility and silica sand mining.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedNotes
CreditFurnas, Miles J, Dr (Principal Investigator)
Modified: 17 10 2024
text: westlimit=142.8766666; southlimit=-12.79000003; eastlimit=144.1833333; northlimit=-11.62666664
Local and mesoscale variability of surface water temperature and chlorophyll in the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia: Liston P, Furnas MJ, Mitchell AW and Drew EA (1992) Local and mesoscale variability of surface water temperature and chlorophyll in the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Continental Shelf Research 12: 907-921.
local : articleId=2476
Biological and chemical oceanographic measurements in the far northern Great Barrier Reef - February 1990. Research Publication No. 34: Furnas MJ, Mitchell AW, Liston P, Skuza MS, Drew EA and Wellington JT (1996) Biological and chemical oceanographic measurements in the far northern Great Barrier Reef - February 1990. Research Publication No. 34. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 86 p.
local : articleId=8318
- global : 98db808a-6f01-4164-bf3f-d6f349001af5