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Benthic and substrate cover data derived from photo-transect surveys in a Sub Set of Roviana Reef, Solomon Islands, 2013-05-05 to 2013-05-09Issued: 2015
Data time period: 05 05 2013 to 09 05 2013
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A manual for conducting georeferenced photo transects surveys to assess the benthos of coral reef and seagrass habitats version 3.0
local : UQ:244565
Roelfsema, C. M. and Phinn, S. R. (2009). A manual for conducting georeferenced photo transects surveys to assess the benthos of coral reef and seagrass habitats version 3.0. Centre for Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Mapping coral reefs at reef to reef-system scales, 10s-1000s km(2), using object-based image analysis
local : UQ:306370
Roelfsema, Chris, Phinn, Stuart, Jupiter, Stacy, Comley, James and Albert, Simon (2013). Mapping coral reefs at reef to reef-system scales, 10s-1000s km(2), using object-based image analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (18), 6367-6388. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2013.800660
Research Data Collections
local : UQ:289097
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management Publications
local : UQ:161208
- DOI : 10.1594/PANGAEA.840757