
Australia's threatened species, life history characteristics, and threatening processes

The University of Queensland
Dr Hawthorne Beyer (Aggregated by) Dr Hawthorne Beyer (Aggregated by)
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.14264/uql.2018.255&rft.title=Australia's threatened species, life history characteristics, and threatening processes&rft.identifier=10.14264/uql.2018.255&rft.publisher=The University of Queensland&rft.description=Fields in the dataset: GENUS_SPECIES_SUBSPP: The genus and species names, with a subspecies name included if relevant to the EPBC listing, and occasionally with a text note in parentheses to clarify further details of the listing (e.g. Carcharias taurus (east coast population). Occasionally synonyms will be represented using an equals sign (e.g. Thalassarche eremita = Thalassarche cauta eremita). GENUS_SPECIES: A version of the genus and species name that lacks synonyms or other comments. COMMON_NAME: A comma delimited list of common names associated with each species. STATUS_EPBC: The EPBC status at the time of construction of the database (2017). STATUS_IUCN: The IUCN status at the time of construction of the database (2017). PHYLUM, CLASS: The phylum and class of the species. COMMON_GROUP: A categorisation of species into general groups that may be useful for analysis and communications (e.g. birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, etc). BODYFORM: This field is only implemented for reptiles for the purpose of distinguishing between turtles and the skink and snake body forms. ADULT_BODY_MASS_RANGE_G: Notes on the range of adult body sizes for each species (in grams), distinguishing among males and females if that data is available. ADULT_BODY_MASS_MEAN_G: An estimate of the mean adult body size of each species (in grams). This field is intended to be suitable for quantitative analysis. ADULT_BODY_MASS_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for body size data. BODY_LENGTH_RANGE_MM: Notes on the range of adult body length for each species (mm), distinguishing among males and females if that data is available. MEAN_BODY_LENGTH_MM: An estimate of the mean adult body length for each species (mm). This field is intended to be suitable for quantitative analysis. BODY_LENGTH_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for body length data. GEN_TIME_YRS: An estimate of the generation time for each species. This may be represented as a range, and it may distinguish among makes and females. Some interpretation of these data would be required prior to statistical analysis. GEN_TIME_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the generation time data. N_OFFSPRING_YR_LITTER: Notes on the number of offspring in each breeding event/cycle. Methods of reproduction vary widely among classes, so these data may have most relevance for within-class comparisons among species. Some interpretation of these data would be required prior to statistical analysis. N_OFFSPRING_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the number of offspring data. EXTENT_OCC_KM2: Notes on the extent of occurrence of the species (km^2). Where an explicit area estimate is not available, notes related to the geographic distribution of the species are included. Extent of occurrence estimates are particularly problematic for wide-ranging species (e.g. sharks, whales, long-distance migrant birds). AREA_OCC_KM2: Notes on the area off occupancy of the species (km^2) AREA_OCC_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the area of occupancy data. POP_SIZE: Notes on any estimates of the remaining population size. POP_SIZE_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the population size data. LIFESPAN_YEARS: Notes on the lifespan of each species, differentiating between males and females where those data are available. LIFESPAN_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the lifespan data. THREATS_EPBC: A semi-colon delimited list of threat codes associated with each species. (Refer to the Allek et al 2018 paper for details on the threat codes). THREATS_EPBC_POSS: A semi-colon delimited list of additional threat codes that were indicated as potentially being associated with each species. THREATS_IUCN: A semi-colon delimited list of threat codes associated with the IUCN records on each species. N_PAP_SPP: The number of peer reviewed papers making reference to each species, excluding conference proceedings and reviews (recorded 2016 using Web of Science). STATES: A semi-colon delimited list of the Australian states or territories within which the species occurs. In the case of isolated remote islands, the island name is included instead. Other notes: The records are not sorted in any particular order. Cells are encoded with NA to indicate no data availability. For some species little or no data on life history parameters are available, and for some other the only source of data comes from captive populations. The dataset is included in both Excel and plain-text (comma delimited text file) formats. There is no difference in the data content of these two files.&rft.creator=Dr Hawthorne Beyer&rft.creator=Dr Hawthorne Beyer& species&rft_subject=EPBC Act&rft_subject=threats&rft_subject=Conservation and Biodiversity&rft_subject=ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES&rft_subject=ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT&rft_subject=D&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Fields in the dataset: GENUS_SPECIES_SUBSPP: The genus and species names, with a subspecies name included if relevant to the EPBC listing, and occasionally with a text note in parentheses to clarify further details of the listing (e.g. "Carcharias taurus (east coast population"). Occasionally synonyms will be represented using an equals sign (e.g. "Thalassarche eremita = Thalassarche cauta eremita"). GENUS_SPECIES: A version of the genus and species name that lacks synonyms or other comments. COMMON_NAME: A comma delimited list of common names associated with each species. STATUS_EPBC: The EPBC status at the time of construction of the database (2017). STATUS_IUCN: The IUCN status at the time of construction of the database (2017). PHYLUM, CLASS: The phylum and class of the species. COMMON_GROUP: A categorisation of species into general groups that may be useful for analysis and communications (e.g. birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, etc). BODYFORM: This field is only implemented for reptiles for the purpose of distinguishing between turtles and the skink and snake body forms. ADULT_BODY_MASS_RANGE_G: Notes on the range of adult body sizes for each species (in grams), distinguishing among males and females if that data is available. ADULT_BODY_MASS_MEAN_G: An estimate of the mean adult body size of each species (in grams). This field is intended to be suitable for quantitative analysis. ADULT_BODY_MASS_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for body size data. BODY_LENGTH_RANGE_MM: Notes on the range of adult body length for each species (mm), distinguishing among males and females if that data is available. MEAN_BODY_LENGTH_MM: An estimate of the mean adult body length for each species (mm). This field is intended to be suitable for quantitative analysis. BODY_LENGTH_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for body length data. GEN_TIME_YRS: An estimate of the generation time for each species. This may be represented as a range, and it may distinguish among makes and females. Some interpretation of these data would be required prior to statistical analysis. GEN_TIME_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the generation time data. N_OFFSPRING_YR_LITTER: Notes on the number of offspring in each breeding event/cycle. Methods of reproduction vary widely among classes, so these data may have most relevance for within-class comparisons among species. Some interpretation of these data would be required prior to statistical analysis. N_OFFSPRING_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the number of offspring data. EXTENT_OCC_KM2: Notes on the extent of occurrence of the species (km^2). Where an explicit area estimate is not available, notes related to the geographic distribution of the species are included. Extent of occurrence estimates are particularly problematic for wide-ranging species (e.g. sharks, whales, long-distance migrant birds). AREA_OCC_KM2: Notes on the area off occupancy of the species (km^2) AREA_OCC_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the area of occupancy data. POP_SIZE: Notes on any estimates of the remaining population size. POP_SIZE_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the population size data. LIFESPAN_YEARS: Notes on the lifespan of each species, differentiating between males and females where those data are available. LIFESPAN_SOURCE: Notes on the sources of information for the lifespan data. THREATS_EPBC: A semi-colon delimited list of threat codes associated with each species. (Refer to the Allek et al 2018 paper for details on the threat codes). THREATS_EPBC_POSS: A semi-colon delimited list of additional threat codes that were indicated as potentially being associated with each species. THREATS_IUCN: A semi-colon delimited list of threat codes associated with the IUCN records on each species. N_PAP_SPP: The number of peer reviewed papers making reference to each species, excluding conference proceedings and reviews (recorded 2016 using Web of Science). STATES: A semi-colon delimited list of the Australian states or territories within which the species occurs. In the case of isolated remote islands, the island name is included instead. Other notes: The records are not sorted in any particular order. Cells are encoded with NA to indicate no data availability. For some species little or no data on life history parameters are available, and for some other the only source of data comes from captive populations. The dataset is included in both Excel and plain-text (comma delimited text file) formats. There is no difference in the data content of these two files.

Issued: 2018

Data time period: 2016 to 12 2017

Data time period: Data collected from: 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z
Data collected to: 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z

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