Brief description
Seabed sediment data were extracted from Geoscience Australia's MARine Sediment database (MARS - They include the percentage of carbonate in the sediment, and the percentage of mud, sand, or gravel size material found in seabed sediment samples, throughout the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone. The data grids were created using ArcGIS Inverse Distance Squared Weighted methodology.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Unknown
Issued: 2011
text: westlimit=109.23; southlimit=-47.19; eastlimit=163.19; northlimit=-8.88
Earth Sciences |
Geology |
Marine Data |
Marine Geoscience |
National dataset |
Published_External |
Sub bottom profiles |
abiotic surrogates |
geoscientificInformation |
marine |
sedimentology |
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- URI :
- global : a529430e-2154-0f20-e044-00144fdd4fa6