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This website has been created by researchers associated with the University of Western Australia and is intended for anyone who wants to find out general information about Australian parliamentary politics and elections.
1. Elections Summary details of the results of state assembly (lower house) general elections since 1890 (New South Wales and Tasmania since 1856), and territory assembly general elections since the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory gained self-government. Summary details of legislative council (upper house) elections for New South Wales, Tasmania and Western Australia (South Australia and Victoria to follow). Summary details of Commonwealth Parliamentary general elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate since federation in 1901, showing nation wide and state wide election results.
2. Parties Summary information on parties which have won more than 2 percent of the vote or won a seat at any of the general elections listed above showing their share of votes and seats, and the various electoral forums in which they have run candidates.
3. Governments, premiers and prime ministers Summary information on governments based on the periods in office of premiers and prime minister showing such details as the dates on which the premier or prime minister gained and lost office, the reasons for the beginning and end of the period in office, the number of ministers in the government, and the party and parliamentary support for the government.
4. Representation in parliament Summary information on the party composition of the lower houses of state, territory and Commonwealth parliaments after each general election, and the composition of the upper houses of New South Wales, Tasmania and Western Australia (South Australia and Victoria to follow), and the Commonwealth Senate.
5. Glossary A description of terms used in the database is provided together with general information on key Australian institutions of government related to the database and associated web pages.
6. Search function A comprehensive search function is provided for access to the information in the database.
7. Additional information on New South Wales, Tasmania and Western Australia. The entries for these three states have been enhanced by including results for assembly (lower house) elections since they were established in 1856 for New South Wales and Tasmania, and legislative council (upper house) elections since they became directly elected chambers (1856 for Tasmania, 1894 for Western Australia and 1978 for NSW). The notes and references for these states have also been expanded. Work on similar enhancements is planed for the remaining states.
Significance statement
While the information in the Australian Politics and Elections Database website is as accurate as the compilers can make it, they do not guarantee that the information it contains is correct or complete. The database and website contain summary information for general research purposes which is not intended to be a substitute for authoritative information from the appropriate official source. In particular, the names of parties have sometimes been edited for clarity and consistency of display, and the dates of periods in office of premiers and prime ministers have sometimes been adjusted to fit election dates. Information on the period before 1910 is often difficult to summarize and should be treated with caution.
We welcome the correction of errors and omissions, and suggestions for the more accurate or helpful display of information.
Data time period: 1856
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