Brief description
The dataset was created by Geoscience Australia using the framework described in Section 33 of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS Act) and previous Acts. The international, scheduled areas and coastal waters used in this dataset are those found in the current Australian Maritime Boundary Dataset 2020 (AMB2020). The 2020 release has been updated to reflect the 2018 Timor Sea Treaty. Available for download in GDA94 or GDA2020. The dataset is comprised of both polygons and points created to very high precision, accurate to within millimetres. The blocks have been cut by Australia's international boundaries, the scheduled areas and the coastal waters. Each block is assigned a polygon, including partial blocks. All blocks are titled with their block ID, and a list of vertices that make up the blocks. Each vertex of the dataset is also replicated as a discrete point in the points dataset. The design of the dataset allows for the exact location of every vertex to be known to millimetre precision. The corner coordinates of blocks are now defined to a high precision, and can be found by querying the appropriate point. The blocks are attributed with fields containing information on: - Block ID - Parent 1 Million Mapsheet - Offshore Area - Epoch of the boundaries used to cut the data AMB2014 - Datum - Origin of the mapsheet in AGD66 - The position of all vertices in the block - The number of vertices in the block - The area of the block in acres - The area of the block in hectares The calculation used to find the area of the blocks is estimated to be precise to better than 1%. This is considered to be sufficient as under the permit and licensing arrangements in the OPGGS Act, the area of a block has no relevance. Therefore the area figure is provided solely for reference.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededCreated: 16 12 2020
Issued: 16 02 2021
text: westlimit=92.00; southlimit=-63.00; eastlimit=175.00; northlimit=-7.00; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
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uri :
OPGGSA 2006 Petroleum Blocks WMS
uri :
OPGGSA 2006 Petroleum Blocks MapServer
uri :
- DOI : 10.26186/144568
- URI :
- global : f5c7a2d2-99d6-4c47-bf35-f8f8456cfaef