Brief description
A collection of geological samples associated with drilling activities and submitted by companies under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGSA) and previous legislations that required petroleum data to be submitted to the National Offshore Petroleum Data and Core Repository (NOPDCR). The collection also contains cores and cuttings samples acquired by Geoscience Australia and its predecessor BMR, other government agencies and institutions from around Australia. Value: Information related to the subsurface that have the potential to support geological investigations and assessment of a variety of resources. Direct access to petroleum mining sample information is available on National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System (NOPIMS) platform ( via the Core Library tab. Request to access those samples can also be made via the form available on NOPIMS.
Maintenance and Update Frequency: annually
Statement: Source: Core, samples and data: submitted by resource exploration companies under legislation; collected by Geoscience Australia (GA) and predecessor organisations; or collected from water bores and engineering cores from around Australia.
Form: Physical samples (drill cores, cuttings and hydrocarbon samples).
This Collection record was created to enhance the discoverability and management of the individual products contained in the collection. See the individual eCat records for product specific lineage.
Form: Physical samples (drill cores, cuttings and hydrocarbon samples).
This Collection record was created to enhance the discoverability and management of the individual products contained in the collection. See the individual eCat records for product specific lineage.
PurposeInformation related to the subsurface that have the potential to support geological investigations and assessment of a variety of resources.
Issued: 25 11 2021
text: westlimit=112.00; southlimit=-44.00; eastlimit=154.00; northlimit=-9.00
Boreholes |
Core |
Cuttings |
DC2020 |
Drill core |
Geology |
HVC - High Value Collection |
Petroleum Data |
Petroleum and Coal Geology |
Published_External |
Samples |
Stratigraphy |
Wells |
geoscientificInformation |
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- URI :
- global : e44a7a8d-af56-4649-a497-4ab9204624de