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PurposeAGRF25 is developed for use within the interval 2020 to 2030 and supercedes AGRF20 over the period 2020-2025. AGRF25 is defined as the vector sum of IGRF-14 at 2025 and the "regional residual field (RRF25) for the main field and its predicted annual change. AGRF25 is based on a comprehensive set of vector magnetic field data from the region, including magnetic observatory and repeat station data, Geoscience Australia third-order ground vector survey, the US Navy high elevation airborne Project Magnet and data from the European Space Agencies' SWARM constellation, satellites A and B.This extensive regional data set used in the spherical cap harmonic modelling allow the AGRF25 to be considered the best available model for the Australian regional magnetic field for the interval 2020-2030.
Created: 07 12 2024
Issued: 23 01 2025
Data time period: 2020-01-01 to 2029-12-31
text: westlimit=45.00; southlimit=-90.00; eastlimit=168.00; northlimit=-9.00; projection=WGS 84 / geographic 2D (EPSG: 4326)
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uri :
- DOI : 10.26186/150056
- URI :
- global : 045c4238-d74a-4d09-8dda-899cdd370f1f