Brief description
The service contains the Australian Coastal Geomorphology Environments, used to support a national coastal risk assessment. It describes the location and extent primary geomorphological environments (both dispositional and erosional) present along the Australia coast and the processes acting on the features within.Lineage
Statement: This is the third iteration of this web service. The service was revised in 2024 and 2016 as part of an infrastructure platform upgrade.text: westlimit=112; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=154; northlimit=-9; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
Earth Sciences |
Published_External |
beach |
coast |
coastal |
dune |
geomorphic |
geomorphology |
geoscientificInformation |
hazard |
risk |
shoreline |
smartline |
web service |
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Other Information
Australian Coastal Geomorphology Depositional Environment WMS
- URI :
- global : 6e727af2-58a4-49f0-a0d0-c2361f963dc2