Brief description
This record was superseded on 5/12/2024 with approval from the Director, National Seabed Mapping as it has been superseded by eCat 150050 The AusBathyTopo 250m (Australia) 2023 Grid is a high-resolution depth model for Australia that replaces the Australian Bathymetry and Topography Grid, June 2009. This publication is the result of a collaborative partnership between Geoscience Australia, the Australian Hydrographic Office, James Cook University, and the University of Sydney. It has been compiled using 1582 unique data sources from multibeam echosounders, single-beam echosounders, LiDAR, 3D seismic first returns, Electronic Navigation Charts and satellite derived bathymetry alongside higher-resolution regional compilations. In particular, the map incorporates new innovations such as the use of earth observation data (satellite based) produced by Digital Earth Australia to improve shallow coastal depth modelling to present a seamless transition between land and sea. All source bathymetry data were extensively edited as 3D point clouds to remove noise, given a consistent WGS84 horizontal datum, and where possible, an approximate MSL vertical datum. This new continental-scale grid represents decades of data collection, analysis, investment and collaboration from Australia’s seabed mapping community and is a significant improvement on the 2009 compilation. The data extends across a vast area from 92°E to 172° E and 8°S to 60° S. This includes areas adjacent to the Australian continent and Tasmania, and surrounding Macquarie Island and the Australian Territories of Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, and Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Australia's marine jurisdiction offshore from the territory of Heard and McDonald Islands and the Australian Antarctic Territory are not included. We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Marine National Facility ( ) in undertaking this research. The datasets used were collected by the Marine National Facility on 43 voyages (see Lineage for identification). This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded• Bioview;
• IN2015_C01; IN2015_T01; IN2015_T02; IN2016_E02; IN2016_T02; IN2016_T02; IN2016_V06; IN2016_V06; IN2017_C01; IN2017_T01; IN2017_T01; IN2017_V03; IN2017_V03; IN2018_T01; IN2018_V03; IN2018_V04; IN2019_E01; IN2019_E01; IN2019_T02; IN2019_T02; IN2019_V04; IN2019_V04; IN2019_V05; IN2021_T01; IN2021_T01; IN2022_T01; IN2022_T01;
• SS032010; SS052007; SS052012; SS062008; SS2007_T04; SS2007_T06; SS2008_T02; SS2008_V09; SS2009_T02; SS2012_T01; SS2012_V01; SS2013_T04
• SST062012;
• TM2012_V01; TM2014_V01
PurposeThis project aimed to develop a new national-scale high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) for the Australian region at a grid pixel resolution of 0.0025-arc degree (about 250 m). A high-resolution DEM is a critical spatial dataset used to assist policy making, such as informing depth information for wind farm development. In addition, a new grid is required to improve the geomorphic detail about the location and spatial extent of seabed features for the Australian shelf and adjacent continental slopes. The new grid utilised the latest data sourced from ship-based multibeam and singlebeam echo sounder surveys, ENC tile spot depths, airborne LiDAR bathymetry surveys, satellite derived bathymetry data, coastline and near surface feature data.
text: westlimit=92; southlimit=-60; eastlimit=172; northlimit=-8; projection=WGS 84 / geographic 2D (EPSG: 4326)
text: uplimit=3989; downlimit=-8565; projection=MSL depth / vertical (EPSG: 5715)
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Australian Bathymetry and Topography 2023 250m (zip) [2.6 GB]
uri :
Related Record: Australia's Seabed Map 2023
doi :
Supersedes eCat 67703
uri :
Superseded by eCat 150050
- DOI : 10.26186/148758
- URI :
- global : 00648206-505c-4858-8b9d-c2324cc2c7ba