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These simulations are part of the international CLIVAR Climate of the 20th Century Plus(C20C+) Detection and Attribution sub-project.
The two primary purposes of the D&A subproject are:
• to characterise historical trends and variability in the probabilities of damaging weather events, including thedifferences across climate models;
• to estimate the fraction of the historical, present, and future probabilities of damaging weather events that isattributable to anthropogenic emissions, and to characterise underlying uncertainties in these estimates.
The experimental design comprises various large ensembles of atmospheric model simulations run under different historical scenarios of external radiative forcing and surface boundary conditions. The core experiment, comprises two scenarios:
All-Hist: Simulations run under observed variations in radiative forcing and surface boundary conditions.
Nat-Hist: Simulations run under variations that might have occurred in radiative forcing and surface boundaryconditions had anthropogenic emissions never interfered with the climate system.
C20C All-Hist est1 experiment with ACCESS1.3 model at 1.875X1.25 degrees resolution
Model details are: ACCESS1.3 (2011)
- Atmosphere: AGCM v1.0 (N96 grid-point, 1.875 degrees EW x approx 1.25 degree NS, 38 levels)
- Ocean: prescribed SST: HadISST 1870-Nov 1981 NOAA OI Dec 1981-present, Hurrell (2008)
- Sea ice: prescribed SIC: HadISST 1870-Nov 1981 NOAA OI Dec 1981-present, Hurrell (2008)
- Land: CABLE1.0 (1.875 degree EW x 1.25 degree NS, 6 levels)
Note that there is a downward trend in soil moisture over global average land over the entire period, approx. 1% decade-1.
Created: 14 10 2015
Data time period: 1955 to 31 12 2013
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