Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= the effects of changes in Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zoning plans on southern mid-shelf shoals using Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations (BRUVS) (TM) (MTSRF Project 4.8.2)&rft.identifier= Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)&rft.description=Surveys were undertaken in February/March and August/September 2007 (Autumn and Spring) and October 2009 (Spring) on two pairs of discrete deepwater shoals in the mid-shelf section of the southern Great Barrier Reef - East and West Warregos; Karamea and Barcoo Banks. Within each pair, one shoal was from a 'Green' (closed to all fishing) and the other from a 'Blue' (open to fishing) zone, based on the rezoning carried out in 2004. The demersal vertebrate communities were sampled using non-extractive Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations (BRUVS), which revealed a diverse (c250 species) fauna of fish, sharks, rays and seasnakes.Variables recorded:Habitat composition of underlying substratum (sand, rubble, consolidated outcrop or reef), and epibenthic community (hard coral, soft coral, sponge, macroalgae, whips and gorgonians, encrusting organisms, bare substratum) - estimated from BRUVS field of view as percentage cover of each component, to nearest 10%.Zone (Green, G; or Blue, B); Reef name; Habitat class (coral - coral dominated reef; garden - gorgonian and seawhip garden; rubble - low relief rubble field; sand - open sandy seabed); Depth (m; or shallow, deep); Latitude and longitude (ship's GPS position at deployment); Trip (1 - February, autumn; 2 - August/September, spring). In some (stereo) BRUVs the size of fishes was recorded (mm).Fish species were placed in categories depending on the likelihood of being caught and retained by line fishers:(a) 'Highly sought after reef dwelling species' - the most desirable reef dwelling species based on eating qualities and size, as well as their reef dwelling habits.(b) 'Sought after reef dwelling and pelagic species' - as in (a) plus pelagic and semi-pelagic species, and smaller, acceptable food fishes.(c) 'All species considered likely to be caught by line fishers including by-catch' - as in (b) plus the undesirable fishes that form by-catch.(d) 'Species considered unlikely to be caught by line fishers' - all species unlikely to be hooked because of their dietary preferences or small size. To describe the fish fauna in relation to habitat and spatial and temporal variables on selected deep shoals of the GBRMP.To present baseline fish community data from BRUVS surveys of two pairs of 'blue'(open to fishing) and 'green' (closed to fishing) zoned shoals in the GBRMP. This is one component in a series of surveys conducted as part of this MTSRF project, see also separate metadata records on:Reef base shoals (Capricorn-Bunker, Pompey and Swains Groups) Shoals off Cardwell Shoals off Cairns Magnetic Shoals (Townsville)Note that the 'Northern Shoals' of Cardwell, Cairns, and Magnetic Shoals have individual records as each region was analysed separately.Fish identified (note that not all species/families were recorded at all locations):Anguilliformes: Muraenidae (moray eels) Gymnothorax favagineus, G. javanicus, G. undulatusAulopiformes: Synodontidae (lizardfishes) Synodus variegatusBeryciformes: Holocentridae (squirrelfishes) Sargocentron melanospilos; S. rubrumCarcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae (whaler sharks) Carcharhinus albimarginatus, C. amblyrhynchos, C. leucas, C. plumbeus; Galeocerdo cuvier; Triaenodon obesus - Sphyrnidae (hammerhead sharks) Sphyrna mokarranGasterosteiformes: Aulostomidae (trumpetfishes) Aulostomus chinensis - Fistulariidae (flutemouths) Fistularia commersoniiMyliobatiformes: Dasyatidae Dasyatis kuhlii; Himantura fai; Pastinachus sephen; Taeniura meyeni - Mobulidae Manta birostris - Myliobatidae (manta and eagle rays) Aetobatus narinariOrectolobiformes: Ginglymostomatidae (nurse sharks) Nebrius ferrugineus - Hemiscylliidae (catsharks) Chiloscyllium punctatumPerciformes: Acanthuridae (surgeon-fishes) Acanthurus albipectoralis, A. auranticavus, A. dussumieri, A. mata, A. olivaceus, A. thompsoni, A. xanthopterus; Ctenochaetus striatus; Naso annulatus, N. brevirostris, N. caesius, N. lituratus, N. tuberosus, N. unicornis; Paracanthurus hepatus; Prionurus maculatus; P. microlepidotus; Zebrasoma scopas - Apogonidae (cardinal fishes) Apogon capricornis, doederleini, exostigma, notatus - Blenniidae (blennies) Aspidontus taeniatus - Caesionidae (fusiliers) Caesio cuning; Pterocaesio chrysozona, P. marri, P. trilineata - Carangidae (trevallies) Carangoides chrysophrys; C. coeruleopinnatus, C. dinema, C. fulvoguttatus, C. gymnostethus; Caranx ignobilis; Decapterus russelli; Elagatis bipinnulata; Gnathanodon speciosus; Pseudocaranx dentex; Scomberoides tol; Selaroides leptolepis; Seriola dumerili, S. lalandi, S. rivoliana; Seriolina nigrofasciata - Chaetodontidae (butterflyfishes) Chaetodon aureofasciatus, C. auriga, C. flavirostris, C. guentheri, C. kleinii, C. lineolatus, C. lunulatus, C. melannotus, C. ornatissimus, C. pelewensis, C. plebeius, C. rainfordi, C. speculum, C. trifascialis, C. unimaculatus, C. vagabundus; Chelmon rostratus; Coradion altivelis, C. chrysozonus; Forcipiger longirostris; Heniochus acuminatus; Parachaetodon ocellatus - Cheilodactylidae (morwongs) Cheilodactylus vestitus - Echeneidae (suckerfishes) Echeneis naucrates - Ephippidae (batfishes) Platax orbicularis, P. teira - Grammistidae (soapfishes) Diploprion bifasciatum - Haemulidae (sweetlips) Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus; P. gibbosus - Kyphosidae (drummers) Kyphosus vaigiensis - Labridae (wrasses and tuskfish) Anampses caeruleopunctatus; Bodianus axillaris, B. diana, B. mesothorax, B. perditio; Cheilinus fasciatus, C. undulates; Choerodon cephalotes, C. fasciatus, C. gomoni, C. graphicus, C. monostigma, C. schoenleinii, C. venustus, C. vitta; Cirrhilabrus punctatus; Coris aygula, C. dorsomacula, C. picta, C. pictoides; Gomphosus varius; Halichoeres chrysus, H. hartzfeldii, H. melasmapomus, H. prosopeion; Hologymnosus doliatus, longipes; Labroides dimidiatus; Leptojulis cyanopleura; Oxycheilinus unifasciatus; Pseudolabrus guentheri; Suezichthys devisi, S. gracilis; Thalassoma amblycephalum, T.lunare - Lethrinidae (sweetlip emperors) Gymnocranius audleyi, G. grandoculis; Lethrinus atkinsoni, genivittatus, laticaudis, miniatus, nebulosus, ravus, rubrioperculatus; Monotaxis grandoculis - Lutjanidae (snappers and sea perches) Aprion virescens; Lutjanus adetii, L.bohar, L.carponotatus, L.carponotatus, L.erythropterus, L.lemniscatus, L.malabaricus, L.quinquelineatus, L.russelli, L.sebae, L.vitta; Pristipomoides multidens; Symphorus nematophorus - Malacanthidae (tilefishes) Malacanthus brevirostris - Mullidae (goatfishes) Parupeneus barberinoides, barberinus, cyclostomus, cyclostomus, heptacanthus, multifasciatus, spilurus; Upeneus filifer - Nemipteridae (threadfin bream) Nemipterus furcosus, N. hexodon, N. theodorei; Pentapodus aureofasciatus, P. nagasakiensis, P. paradiseus, P. vitta; Scolopsis bilineata, S. margaritifer, S. monogramma - Pinguipedidae (grubfishes) Parapercis clathrata, P. nebulosa, P. xanthozona - Pomacanthidae (angelfishes) Centropyge bicolor, C. tibicen; Chaetodontoplus duboulayi, C. meredithi; Pomacanthus imperator, P. semicirculatus, P. sexstriatus - Pomacentridae (damselfishes) Acanthochromis polyacanthus; Amblyglyphidodon aureus; Amphiprion clarkii; Chromis nitida, C. xanthura; Dascyllus reticulates, D. trimaculatus; Pomacentrus amboinensis, P. australis, P. chrysurus, P. coelestis, P. moluccensis, P. nagasakiensis; Pristotis jerdoni - Rachycentridae (cobias) Rachycentron canadum - Scaridae (parrotfishes) Cetoscarus bicolor; Chlorurus sordidus; Scarus flavipectoralis, S. niger, S. oviceps, S. schlegeli - Scombridae (mackerels and tunas) Gymnosarda unicolor; Scomberomorus commerson, S. queenslandicus - Serranidae (groupers and coral cods) Cephalopholis boenak, C. miniata; Cromileptes altivelis; Epinephelus areolatus, E. coioides, E. fasciatus, E. maculatus, E. merra, E. quoyanus, E. undulatostriatus; Plectropomus laevis, P. leopardus, P. maculatus; Pseudanthias rubrizonatus; Variola albimarginata, V. louti - Siganidae (rabbitfishes) Siganus argenteus, S. corallinus, S. punctatissimus, S. punctatus, S. vulpinus - Sparidae (sea breams) Argyrops spinifer; Pagrus auratus - Sphyraenidae (barracudas) Sphyraena jello - Zanclidae (Moorish idols) Zanclus cornutusRajiformes: Stegostomatidae (leopard sharks) Stegostoma fasciatumRhinobatiformes: Rhynchobatidae (sharkfin guitarfishes) Rhynchobatus djiddensisScorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae (scorpionfish and lionfish) Pterois volitansTetraodontiformes: Balistidae (triggerfishes) Abalistes stellatus; Balistoides conspicillum; Odonus niger; Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus; Sufflamen chrysopterum, S. fraenatum - Monacanthidae (filefishes and leatherjackets) Aluterus scriptus - Tetraodontidae (pufferfish) Canthigaster valentini.Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededStatement: Statement: Fish, sharks, rays and seasnakes were included as 'fish'. There was a lack of data on spatial and temporal variation in fishing effort around the shoal habitats.&rft.creator=Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) &; southlimit=-24.1237; eastlimit=152.5025; northlimit=-22.6379&rft.coverage=westlimit=151.5351; southlimit=-24.1237; eastlimit=152.5025; northlimit=-22.6379&rft_rights=All AIMS data, products and services are provided as is and AIMS does not warrant their fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. While AIMS has made every reasonable effort to ensure high quality of the data, products and services, to the extent permitted by law the data, products and services are provided without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. AIMS make no representation or warranty that the data, products and services are accurate, complete, reliable or current. To the extent permitted by law, AIMS exclude all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of the data, products and services.&rft_rights=The data was collected under contract between AIMS and another party(s). Specific agreements for access and use of the data shall be negotiated separately. Contact the AIMS Data Centre ( for further information&rft_rights=Resource Usage:The data is under exclusive access period. Contact the AIMS Data Centre ( for possible access to the data within this period.Access Constraint: restrictedUse Constraint: restrictedSecurity classification code: unclassifiedMetadata Usage:Access Constraint: intellectualPropertyRightsUse Constraint: intellectualPropertyRightsSecurity classification code: unclassified&rft_subject=oceans&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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All AIMS data, products and services are provided "as is" and AIMS does not warrant their fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. While AIMS has made every reasonable effort to ensure high quality of the data, products and services, to the extent permitted by law the data, products and services are provided without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. AIMS make no representation or warranty that the data, products and services are accurate, complete, reliable or current. To the extent permitted by law, AIMS exclude all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of the data, products and services.

The data was collected under contract between AIMS and another party(s). Specific agreements for access and use of the data shall be negotiated separately. Contact the AIMS Data Centre ( for further information

Resource Usage:The data is under exclusive access period. Contact the AIMS Data Centre ( for possible access to the data within this period.Access Constraint: restrictedUse Constraint: restrictedSecurity classification code: unclassifiedMetadata Usage:Access Constraint: intellectualPropertyRightsUse Constraint: intellectualPropertyRightsSecurity classification code: unclassified



Brief description

Surveys were undertaken in February/March and August/September 2007 (Autumn and Spring) and October 2009 (Spring) on two pairs of discrete deepwater shoals in the mid-shelf section of the southern Great Barrier Reef - East and West Warregos; Karamea and Barcoo Banks. Within each pair, one shoal was from a 'Green' (closed to all fishing) and the other from a 'Blue' (open to fishing) zone, based on the rezoning carried out in 2004. The demersal vertebrate communities were sampled using non-extractive Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations (BRUVS), which revealed a diverse (c250 species) fauna of fish, sharks, rays and seasnakes.Variables recorded:Habitat composition of underlying substratum (sand, rubble, consolidated outcrop or reef), and epibenthic community (hard coral, soft coral, sponge, macroalgae, whips and gorgonians, encrusting organisms, bare substratum) - estimated from BRUVS field of view as percentage cover of each component, to nearest 10%.Zone (Green, G; or Blue, B); Reef name; Habitat class (coral - coral dominated reef; garden - gorgonian and seawhip garden; rubble - low relief rubble field; sand - open sandy seabed); Depth (m; or shallow, deep); Latitude and longitude (ship's GPS position at deployment); Trip (1 - February, autumn; 2 - August/September, spring). In some (stereo) BRUVs the size of fishes was recorded (mm).Fish species were placed in categories depending on the likelihood of being caught and retained by line fishers:(a) 'Highly sought after reef dwelling species' - the most desirable reef dwelling species based on eating qualities and size, as well as their reef dwelling habits.(b) 'Sought after reef dwelling and pelagic species' - as in (a) plus pelagic and semi-pelagic species, and smaller, acceptable food fishes.(c) 'All species considered likely to be caught by line fishers including by-catch' - as in (b) plus the undesirable fishes that form by-catch.(d) 'Species considered unlikely to be caught by line fishers' - all species unlikely to be hooked because of their dietary preferences or small size. To describe the fish fauna in relation to habitat and spatial and temporal variables on selected deep shoals of the GBRMP.To present baseline fish community data from BRUVS surveys of two pairs of 'blue'(open to fishing) and 'green' (closed to fishing) zoned shoals in the GBRMP. This is one component in a series of surveys conducted as part of this MTSRF project, see also separate metadata records on:Reef base shoals (Capricorn-Bunker, Pompey and Swains Groups) Shoals off Cardwell Shoals off Cairns Magnetic Shoals (Townsville)Note that the 'Northern Shoals' of Cardwell, Cairns, and Magnetic Shoals have individual records as each region was analysed separately.Fish identified (note that not all species/families were recorded at all locations):Anguilliformes: Muraenidae (moray eels) Gymnothorax favagineus, G. javanicus, G. undulatusAulopiformes: Synodontidae (lizardfishes) Synodus variegatusBeryciformes: Holocentridae (squirrelfishes) Sargocentron melanospilos; S. rubrumCarcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae (whaler sharks) Carcharhinus albimarginatus, C. amblyrhynchos, C. leucas, C. plumbeus; Galeocerdo cuvier; Triaenodon obesus - Sphyrnidae (hammerhead sharks) Sphyrna mokarranGasterosteiformes: Aulostomidae (trumpetfishes) Aulostomus chinensis - Fistulariidae (flutemouths) Fistularia commersoniiMyliobatiformes: Dasyatidae Dasyatis kuhlii; Himantura fai; Pastinachus sephen; Taeniura meyeni - Mobulidae Manta birostris - Myliobatidae (manta and eagle rays) Aetobatus narinariOrectolobiformes: Ginglymostomatidae (nurse sharks) Nebrius ferrugineus - Hemiscylliidae (catsharks) Chiloscyllium punctatumPerciformes: Acanthuridae (surgeon-fishes) Acanthurus albipectoralis, A. auranticavus, A. dussumieri, A. mata, A. olivaceus, A. thompsoni, A. xanthopterus; Ctenochaetus striatus; Naso annulatus, N. brevirostris, N. caesius, N. lituratus, N. tuberosus, N. unicornis; Paracanthurus hepatus; Prionurus maculatus; P. microlepidotus; Zebrasoma scopas - Apogonidae (cardinal fishes) Apogon capricornis, doederleini, exostigma, notatus - Blenniidae (blennies) Aspidontus taeniatus - Caesionidae (fusiliers) Caesio cuning; Pterocaesio chrysozona, P. marri, P. trilineata - Carangidae (trevallies) Carangoides chrysophrys; C. coeruleopinnatus, C. dinema, C. fulvoguttatus, C. gymnostethus; Caranx ignobilis; Decapterus russelli; Elagatis bipinnulata; Gnathanodon speciosus; Pseudocaranx dentex; Scomberoides tol; Selaroides leptolepis; Seriola dumerili, S. lalandi, S. rivoliana; Seriolina nigrofasciata - Chaetodontidae (butterflyfishes) Chaetodon aureofasciatus, C. auriga, C. flavirostris, C. guentheri, C. kleinii, C. lineolatus, C. lunulatus, C. melannotus, C. ornatissimus, C. pelewensis, C. plebeius, C. rainfordi, C. speculum, C. trifascialis, C. unimaculatus, C. vagabundus; Chelmon rostratus; Coradion altivelis, C. chrysozonus; Forcipiger longirostris; Heniochus acuminatus; Parachaetodon ocellatus - Cheilodactylidae (morwongs) Cheilodactylus vestitus - Echeneidae (suckerfishes) Echeneis naucrates - Ephippidae (batfishes) Platax orbicularis, P. teira - Grammistidae (soapfishes) Diploprion bifasciatum - Haemulidae (sweetlips) Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus; P. gibbosus - Kyphosidae (drummers) Kyphosus vaigiensis - Labridae (wrasses and tuskfish) Anampses caeruleopunctatus; Bodianus axillaris, B. diana, B. mesothorax, B. perditio; Cheilinus fasciatus, C. undulates; Choerodon cephalotes, C. fasciatus, C. gomoni, C. graphicus, C. monostigma, C. schoenleinii, C. venustus, C. vitta; Cirrhilabrus punctatus; Coris aygula, C. dorsomacula, C. picta, C. pictoides; Gomphosus varius; Halichoeres chrysus, H. hartzfeldii, H. melasmapomus, H. prosopeion; Hologymnosus doliatus, longipes; Labroides dimidiatus; Leptojulis cyanopleura; Oxycheilinus unifasciatus; Pseudolabrus guentheri; Suezichthys devisi, S. gracilis; Thalassoma amblycephalum, T.lunare - Lethrinidae (sweetlip emperors) Gymnocranius audleyi, G. grandoculis; Lethrinus atkinsoni, genivittatus, laticaudis, miniatus, nebulosus, ravus, rubrioperculatus; Monotaxis grandoculis - Lutjanidae (snappers and sea perches) Aprion virescens; Lutjanus adetii, L.bohar, L.carponotatus, L.carponotatus, L.erythropterus, L.lemniscatus, L.malabaricus, L.quinquelineatus, L.russelli, L.sebae, L.vitta; Pristipomoides multidens; Symphorus nematophorus - Malacanthidae (tilefishes) Malacanthus brevirostris - Mullidae (goatfishes) Parupeneus barberinoides, barberinus, cyclostomus, cyclostomus, heptacanthus, multifasciatus, spilurus; Upeneus filifer - Nemipteridae (threadfin bream) Nemipterus furcosus, N. hexodon, N. theodorei; Pentapodus aureofasciatus, P. nagasakiensis, P. paradiseus, P. vitta; Scolopsis bilineata, S. margaritifer, S. monogramma - Pinguipedidae (grubfishes) Parapercis clathrata, P. nebulosa, P. xanthozona - Pomacanthidae (angelfishes) Centropyge bicolor, C. tibicen; Chaetodontoplus duboulayi, C. meredithi; Pomacanthus imperator, P. semicirculatus, P. sexstriatus - Pomacentridae (damselfishes) Acanthochromis polyacanthus; Amblyglyphidodon aureus; Amphiprion clarkii; Chromis nitida, C. xanthura; Dascyllus reticulates, D. trimaculatus; Pomacentrus amboinensis, P. australis, P. chrysurus, P. coelestis, P. moluccensis, P. nagasakiensis; Pristotis jerdoni - Rachycentridae (cobias) Rachycentron canadum - Scaridae (parrotfishes) Cetoscarus bicolor; Chlorurus sordidus; Scarus flavipectoralis, S. niger, S. oviceps, S. schlegeli - Scombridae (mackerels and tunas) Gymnosarda unicolor; Scomberomorus commerson, S. queenslandicus - Serranidae (groupers and coral cods) Cephalopholis boenak, C. miniata; Cromileptes altivelis; Epinephelus areolatus, E. coioides, E. fasciatus, E. maculatus, E. merra, E. quoyanus, E. undulatostriatus; Plectropomus laevis, P. leopardus, P. maculatus; Pseudanthias rubrizonatus; Variola albimarginata, V. louti - Siganidae (rabbitfishes) Siganus argenteus, S. corallinus, S. punctatissimus, S. punctatus, S. vulpinus - Sparidae (sea breams) Argyrops spinifer; Pagrus auratus - Sphyraenidae (barracudas) Sphyraena jello - Zanclidae (Moorish idols) Zanclus cornutusRajiformes: Stegostomatidae (leopard sharks) Stegostoma fasciatumRhinobatiformes: Rhynchobatidae (sharkfin guitarfishes) Rhynchobatus djiddensisScorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae (scorpionfish and lionfish) Pterois volitansTetraodontiformes: Balistidae (triggerfishes) Abalistes stellatus; Balistoides conspicillum; Odonus niger; Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus; Sufflamen chrysopterum, S. fraenatum - Monacanthidae (filefishes and leatherjackets) Aluterus scriptus - Tetraodontidae (pufferfish) Canthigaster valentini.


Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Statement: Fish, sharks, rays and seasnakes were included as 'fish'. There was a lack of data on spatial and temporal variation in fishing effort around the shoal habitats.

Modified: 17 10 2024

This dataset is part of a larger collection

152.5025,-22.6379 152.5025,-24.1237 151.5351,-24.1237 151.5351,-22.6379 152.5025,-22.6379


text: westlimit=151.5351; southlimit=-24.1237; eastlimit=152.5025; northlimit=-22.6379

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Other Information
The influence of zoning (closure to fishing) on fish communities of the deep shoals and reef bases of the southern Great Barrier Reef. Part 2 - Development of protocols to improve accuracy in baited video techniques used to detect effects of zoning: Cappo MC, De'ath AG, Stowar MJ, Johannson C and Doherty PJ (2009) The influence of zoning (closure to fishing) on fish communities of the deep shoals and reef bases of the southern Great Barrier Reef. Part 2 - Development of protocols to improve accuracy in baited video techniques used to detect effects of zoning. MTSRF Research Report No. 38 ISBN 9781921359378. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre and Australian Institute of Marine Science. 44 p.

local : articleId=8250

Influence of zoning on midshelf shoals from the southern Great Barrier Reef. Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility: Stowar MJ, De'ath AG, Doherty PJ, Johansson C, Speare PJ and Venables W (2008) Influence of zoning on midshelf shoals from the southern Great Barrier Reef. Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre and Australian Institute of Marine Science. 90 p.

local : articleId=8128

MTSRF Project 4.8.2

uri :

The influence of zoning (closure to fishing) on fish communities of the deep shoals and reef bases of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Result of repeated surveys of the southern bank and Cardwell shoals, and an overview with regional comparisons: Cappo MC, Stowar MJ and MacNeil MA (2010) The influence of zoning (closure to fishing) on fish communities of the deep shoals and reef bases of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Result of repeated surveys of the southern bank and Cardwell shoals, and an overview with regional comparisons. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. 63 p.

local : articleId=8602

global : f7d7c654-a5a3-436c-9352-f89377f83832
