Research Grant
[Cite as]Brief description ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions. This Centre aims to answer fundamental questions in astrophysics including the origin of matter and the periodic table of elements, and the origin of ionisation in the Universe. It intends to use Australian three-dimensional technology to transform our understanding of the Universe. It will unify world-leading Australian optical and radio surveys with theoretical simulations and new e-Science techniques for Peta-scale data sets. The Centre will also nurture young scientific leaders and make high-school students interested in STEM sciences through education and outreach programmes. It is expected the research will propel Australia to the forefront of astronomical research for the coming decade while capitalising on innovative instrumentation.
Funding Amount $30,300,000
Funding Scheme ARC Centres of Excellence
- ARC : CE170100013
- PURL :