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Playing three of the director-matching card games (01, 02): 01: Janey has boards 6 and 9 and Todman has the cards; Todman has board 5 and Janey has the cards. 02: Janey has board 12 and Todman has the cards; Todman has boards 3 and 2 and Janey has the cards. 03: Rest of the Family Problems Picture Series (activity was begun previous day but not completed because MJD had to leave). Participants looked at and described the last eight cards. Then they put them in order (with AHA out of the room). Then they told the full story when AHA returned. Checking lexemes and recording example sents for part of the "Language and Culture" section of the dictionary (04, 05): 04: Lexemes: ngarlina, ngurramarla, Lurritja, Pitjantjatjarra, wangu, barninangarna, bamarrkurla, wukarrija, banbij, bukurdi, burndurndu, dulinya, Buyurruny, jarra bunganini, ngarrambalya(ka), jinim, jirning, birnim, junba. 05: Lexeme: junba. 06: MTD tells story "Frog, where are you?" 07: MJD tells story "A Boy, a Dog, and a Frog." . Language as given: Mudburra; speakers also readily identify their own variety as Eastern Mudburra Reuse Information
Created: 2016-11-18
Data time period: 2016 to ,
ISO3166: AU
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- DOI : 10.4225/72/5a1c293082553
- Local : AHA1-2016_050
- URI : http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/AHA1/2016_050