
AHA1-2016_025 - Sociolinguistic interview for Greg Dickson's Kriol variation project

Australian Research Council (Funded by) University of Queensland (Funded by)
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.4225/72/5a1c28d0ce386&rft.title=AHA1-2016_025 - Sociolinguistic interview for Greg Dickson's Kriol variation project&rft.identifier= Dickson's sociolinguistic interview for his Kriol variation project. The interview is in six sections and involves participants talking about their family and lingustic backgrounds, telling stories about everyday events, talking about who lives in their house and what they call each person, completing a map task where they talk about the places where people speak similarly/differently, going through a checklist of Kriol words and talking about whether or not they say each one, and finally, doing the Family Problems picture series task.. Language as given: Mudburra; speakers also readily identify their own variety as Eastern Mudburra&rft.creator=Anonymous&; southlimit=-18.2135; westlimit=132.781; eastlimit=134.019&rft_rights=Access to the catalog entry is open, but access to records is only open to registered users&rft_subject=language_documentation&rft_subject=dmw&rft_subject=text_and_corpus_linguistics&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Greg Dickson's sociolinguistic interview for his Kriol variation project. The interview is in six sections and involves participants talking about their family and lingustic backgrounds, telling stories about everyday events, talking about who lives in their house and what they call each person, completing a map task where they talk about the places where people speak similarly/differently, going through a checklist of Kriol words and talking about whether or not they say each one, and finally, doing the Family Problems picture series task.. Language as given: Mudburra; speakers also readily identify their own variety as Eastern Mudburra

Created: 2016-07-15

Data time period: 2016 to ,

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134.019,-16.7819 134.019,-18.2135 132.781,-18.2135 132.781,-16.7819 134.019,-16.7819


ISO3166: AU


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