
AGY-6978 | Department of Primary Industries [III]

NSW State Archives Collection
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The Department of Primary Industries [III] was created on 1 July 2011, when the Department of Primary Industries [II] was abolished as a Division of the Government Service, and established instead as a Departmental Office within the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services, which was also known as NSW Trade and Investment. All branches from the Department of Primary Industries [II] were added to the Department of Primary Industries [III]. (1)

The Department supported strong regional communities through research, knowledge transfer, planning and regulating the profitable and sustainable development of the agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries, and by improving biosecurity to protect the economy, human health and environment from pests, diseases and weeds. It also delivered sustainable water management, regional water supply and sewerage programs and managed Crown lands and catchments with the Catchment Management Authorities to support community development and deliver natural resource management priorities. (2)

In 2011-2012, the Department had consisted of the following Divisions:

- Agriculture NSW - led the government's commitment to the sustainable production of food and fibre based on the best available science to meet the needs of the NSW community. Agriculture NSW's core activities included research, development, and education for farmers, foresters and agribusiness, fostering business development for agriculture and forestry, and providing advice to government on policy development and potential impacts on the agricultural and forestry sectors.
- Biosecurity NSW - led the State's management of risks to the economy, environment and the community from pests and diseases, invasive plants and animals, and chemical contaminants. Biosecurity NSW also led the development and implementation of State and national biosecurity and animal welfare policy and legislation, and managed systems for emergency preparedness, prevention, response and recovery arising from biosecurity threats and natural disasters. It also undertook and coordinated surveillance and tracing and conducts biosecurity research.
- Business Services Division - coordinated and developed policy, media and communications, science and research support, planning, reporting and governance. The division played a lead role in implementing changes in government priorities and policy within NSW DPI and across government. It managed strategic issues, NSW DPI's public profile, and the strategic coordination of science and research function across NSW DPI.
- Catchments and Lands Division - consisted of four areas: Catchments, Crown Lands, the Soil Conservation Service and Regional Services. It worked to deliver social, economic and environmental outcomes through the effective management of the $6 billion Crown estate and associated trusts. It also played an important role in leading and delivering natural resource management outcomes through Catchment Management Authorities and the commercial services of the Soil Conservation Service.
- Fisheries NSW - was responsible for sustainably managing the State's fisheries resources and the habitats on which they depend. It promoted and applied the provisions of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 and implemented associated policy and management planning frameworks. Fisheries NSW was responsible for managing marine parks and aquatic protected areas in NSW was responsible for applying the provisions of the Marine Parks Act 1997.
- NSW Office of Water - led the State's work towards achieving secure and sustainable allocation of water between communities, industry, farmers, and the environment, and meeting the State's commitments under national and cross border agreements. It was also responsible for ensuring reliable, sustainable, efficient and well-managed regional urban water supply and sewerage services.
- Office of Agricultural Sustainability and Food Security - provided innovative and strategic advice to inform government policy on critical and emerging issues affecting agricultural sustainability and food security in NSW. The Office also provided advice on agricultural impact statements developed by mining industry proponents. (3)

By mid-2013, the Department consisted of the following branches: Agriculture NSW; Biosecurity NSW; Business Service; Catchment and Lands; Fisheries NSW; NSW Food Authority; NSW Office of Water; and the Office of Agriculture, Sustainability and Food Security. (4)

By mid-2014, the Department consisted of the following branches: Agriculture NSW; Biosecurity NSW; Fisheries NSW; Game Licensing Unit; Land and Natural Resources; Media and Communications; NSW Food Authority; and the NSW Office of Water. (5)

By mid-2015, the Department (NSW DPI) consisted of the following branches: DPI Agriculture; DPI Biosecurity and Food Safety; DPI Business Operations; DPI Communications and Engagement; DPI Fisheries; DPI Land and Natural Resources; and DPI Strategy and Policy. The NSW Office of Water appears to have been renamed as DPI Water. (6)

From 1 July 2015, when the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services was abolished the Department of Primary Industries [III] became a branch of the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development. (7)

By mid-2016, NSW DPI consisted of the following branches: DPI Agriculture; DPI Biosecurity and Food Safety; DPI Business Operations; DPI Communications and Stakeholder Engagement; DPI Fisheries; DPI Land and Natural Resources; DPI Strategy and Policy; and DPI Water. (8)

From 1 April 2017, the name of the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development was changed to the Department of Industry. (9)

By mid-2017, NSW DPI consisted of the following branches: DPI Agriculture; DPI Biosecurity and Food Security; DPI Fisheries; DPI Performance and Engagement; and DPI Water. (10)

On 24 November 2017, the Final Report for the Independent Investigation into NSW Water Management and Compliance was published. This investigation was headed by Ken Matthews and was prompted by issues raised by the ABC's Four Corners Program on 24 July 2017. (11) In response to the report, a Lands and Water Division was created within the Department of Industry, and the functions of DPI Water were transferred to it. Therefore, DPI Water was effectively abolished. The NSW Lands and Water Executive team were appointed in April 2018. (12)

By mid-2018, NSW DPI consisted of the following branches: DPI Agriculture; DPI Biosecurity and Food Security; DPI Fisheries; DPI Investment and Business Development; DPI Performance and Engagement; DPI Services and Coordination; DPI Research Excellence and DPI Strategy and Policy. (13)

On 1 July 2019 the Department of Industry was abolished. Most of its staff including NSW DPI were added to the new Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. (14)

Staff from in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment were transferred to Regional NSW on 2 April 2020 and NSW DPI was established as a branch within the newly formed department. (15) Regional NSW was renamed as the Department of Regional NSW on 21 December 2021. (16)

By October 2022, NSW DPI consisted of the following divisions: Agriculture; Biosecurity and Food Safety; Fisheries; Forestry and Land Reform; Infrastructure, Investment and Business Excellence; and Strategy and Engagement. (17)

1. Public Sector Employment and Management (Miscellaneous) Order 2011 (2011 No.345) clss.2, 6, 8; notified on NSW Legislation Website, 1 July 2011; NSW Trade and Investment Annual Report 2010-2011, pp.2, 268.
2. NSW Trade and Investment Annual Report 2011-2012, p.6.
3. Ibid., pp.7, 13-14.
4. NSW Trade and Investment Annual Report 2012-2013, pp.7, 13.
5. NSW Trade and Investment Annual Report 2013-2014, pp.6, 12-13.
6. NSW Trade and Investment Annual Report 2014-2015, pp.5, 45, 51-52; Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development Annual Report 2015–2016, p.11.
7. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes–Public Service Agencies) Order (No.2) 2015 (2015 No.250) clss.6 (1) and (7); notified on NSW Legislation Website, 29 May 2015.
8. Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development Annual Report 2015-2016, op.cit., p.5.
9. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes-Public Service Agencies) Order 2017 (2017 No.79) cls.7; notified on NSW Legislation Website, 15 March 2017.
10. NSW Department of Industry Annual Report 2016–2017, pp.7-8.
11. Matthews, Ken. Independent Investigation into NSW Water Management and Compliance, Final Report, NSW Department of Industry, Sydney, December 2017, pp.1-3 from the Department of Industry Website, (accessed 10/01/2018); Ministerial Media Release, Minister for Primary Industries, Regional Water, and Trade and Industry, Niall Blair, Appointment of Independent Review], 26 July 2017 from the Department of Industry Website, (accessed 10 July 2018).
12. 'NSW Industry Cluster Organisational Chart (as of 5 December 2017)' from the Department of Industry Website, (accessed 11 July 2018); Media Release, Department of Industry, New Deputy Secretary for Crown Lands and Water’, 17 November 2017 from the Department of Industry Website, (accessed 11 July 2018); Media Release, Department of Industry ‘NSW Lands and Water Executive team appointed’, 9 April 2018, (accessed 11 July 2018).
13. Who We Are, from the NSW Department of Primary Industries Website, (accessed 19 June 2018); ‘NSW Industry Cluster Organisational Chart (as of 21 May 2018)’ from the Department of Industry Website, (accessed 11 July 2018).
14. Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes - Public Service Agencies) Order 2019 (2019 No 159), clause 9 (2); notified on NSW Legislation website, 2 April 2019 as amended by Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes--Public Service Agencies) Order 2019 (2019 No 180), Schedule 1 [1]; notified on NSW Legislation website, 1 May 2019.
15.Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes—Regional NSW and Independent Planning Commission) Order 2020 (2020 No 121); cl. 4; notified on NSW Legislation website, 02 April 2021
16. Administrative Arrangements (Second Perrottet Ministry--Transitional) Order 2021 (2021 No 790); Schedule 2 cl.2(1); notified NSW legislation website, 21 December 2021.
17. Department of Regional NSW website, Organisational Structure, (accessed 22 November 2022).

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