Full description
This dataset consists of an excel spreadsheet and stata do file. These provide the scoring algorithm that will convert QOL-AD scores to the AD-5D utility score for use in economic evaluation of interventions for people living with dementia. The spreadsheet can be used as a stand-alone scoring instrument. Instructions are given in the spreadsheet. Alternatively, STATA users may prefer to use the provided do file to match their data and generate the values.Issued: 2020
A5-AD |
Alzheimer's |
Medical and Health Sciences |
Public Health and Health Services |
dementia |
eng |
health care |
health economics |
quality of life |
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Other Information
Valuing the AD-5D dementia utility instrument: an estimation of a general population tariff
local : UQ:6965afb
Comans, Tracy A., Nguyen, Kim-Huong, Ratcliffe, Julie, Rowen, Donna and Mulhern, Brendan (2020). Valuing the AD-5D dementia utility instrument: an estimation of a general population tariff. PharmacoEconomics, 38 (8), 871-881. doi: 10.1007/s40273-020-00913-7
Research Data Collections
local : UQ:289097
- DOI : 10.14264/UQL.2020.640