Brief description
This project will undertake research and provide specialised extension to improve the potential of abalone aquaculture in WA. This will be achieved through a close working relationship with existing and emerging industry members. Research funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) investigated the following main objectives: * Alternative feed and nursery systems for juvenile abalone (5mm+) Feeding macroalgal germlings, which can grow on the nursery plates, can provide more biomass and may be an alternative feed for the later stages of the nursery phase of abalone. Juveniles in algal systems showed superior growth rates compared to juveniles in weaner system on formulated feed. The weaner tanks produced lower survival (62%) than the nursery system relying on algal diets (average 84%). However, much more labour is involved in culturing and maintaining algae for larger juveniles in the nursery systems compared to the weaner system using a formulated diet. * Improved spawning success and offspring performance of farm-grown abalone. This project has realised the importance of red seaweeds, the natural food source, in broodstock nutrition. Spawning success and offspring performance of abalone have been enhanced using cultured seaweed compared to commercial broodstock diets or improved broodstock diets. In addition to FRDC-funded research, the following studies are continuing to improve and explore new revenues for the abalone aquaculture industry in WA: * Developing diversified algal cultures for abalone spat and broodstock * Exploring the potential of the tropical abalone (Haliotis asinina) as an aquaculture species for northern WA Time : to be finalised June 2006Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknown
Statement: Original record compiled for the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), Project 3.8, 2008. Originally sourced from WA Fisheries website (May, 2008). Spatial extent assumed to be whole of WA.
CreditSabine Daume
Modified: 06 2008
Data time period: 2000 to 2006
text: westlimit=111; southlimit=-35; eastlimit=129; northlimit=-13
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