Researchers: Ridd, Peter, Professor (Principal investigator)
Brief description This metadata record covers a subset of the data collected during dredging by the Townsville Port Authority in Cleveland Bay in 1993. Data are divided into a number of main groups: Wind, tide gauge, wave rider, S4, sediment traps, water samples and nephelometers. The data are grouped according to collection method and sampling location. See the metadata record title for collection method and geographic extent for the sampling location. Unique site numbers were assigned within Cleveland Bay at which data were collected. Some of these sites were named, and others were unnamed.
Lineage Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Lineage Statement: Wind data were collected at five sites. a) Townsville port TPA.WIN b) Townsville airport AIRPORT.WIN c) Davies reef DAVIESRE.WIN d) Myrmidon reef MYRMIDON.WIN e) Lucinda LUCINDA.WIN The equipment used were automated weather stations maintained by AIMS or the Bureau of Meteorology. Data are stored in one file for each site. The structure of these files is illustrated below. Column 1 contains the date and time of a measurement as a 14 digit numeric string. Column 2 represents the same date and time, but as a decimal day number, where 1.00000 represents midnight of 1 January 1993. Column 3 represents the wind speed in m/s. Column 4 represents the wind direction (from which the wind blows) in degrees. A several points in the file "-999999" appears in all four columns and represents the end of a data set download. Each `break' is followed by the file header. This allows individual data sets to be easily identified. ---------------------------------- YYYYMMDDhhmmss t m/s deg ---------------------------------- 19930101000000 1.00000 8.49 106 19930101003000 1.02083 6.72 106 19930101010000 1.04167 7.61 117 19930101013000 1.06250 6.75 114 19930101020000 1.08333 7.58 123 ........................... 19930131230000 31.95833 10.08 93 19930131233000 31.97917 10.72 107 -999999 -999999 -999999 -999999 ---------------------------------- YYYYMMDDhhmmss t m/s deg ---------------------------------- 19930201000000 32.00000 11.16 104 19930201003000 32.02083 10.85 106 19930201010000 32.04167 11.32 103 ...........................
Arnstein Prytz
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
The study was to sample water quality during dredging of Cleveland Bay.
Data time period: 1993 to 08 04 1993
text: westlimit=146; southlimit=-19; eastlimit=147; northlimit=-19
Cleveland Bay Study Data (aodn:cleveland_bay_data)
uri :
global : ac3a75e0-1494-11dc-80b6-00188b4c0af8
- global : abbd0890-8477-11dd-a89f-00188b4c0af8