
Water quality, plume modelling and tracking before and during dredging in Mermaid Sound, Dampier W.A.

Australian Ocean Data Network
MScience Pty Ltd
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= quality, plume modelling and tracking before and during dredging in Mermaid Sound, Dampier W.A.&rft.identifier= water quality monitoring program established to coincide with the Mermaid Sound dredging projects in 2004 for assessed turbidity, suspended sediments and other parameters (Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Temperature, Salinity) every three days to start then weekly. To assist in locating monitoring sites - a model of sediment transport was developed. Also throughout the dredging program aerial surveys of the dredging location, monitoring locations and surrounding areas were undertaken on a weekly basis. They were flown of the same day as the water monitoring trip to allow for cross-referencing of visual observations and actual data.Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedStatement: For details of model refer reference below: GEMS. 2003. Dampier Bulk Liquids Berth Project: Dredge Modeling Study Stage 1. 024/03, Unpublished report to the Dampier Port Authority by Global Environmental Modeling Systems, Perth, Western Australia.Statement: The water quality monitoring program for the Mermaid Sound dredging projects incorportated 19 monitoring locations throught the Dampier Archipelago. The names, designation and locations of each of the monitoring sites are given below: SITE : FUNCTION : PROGRAM Angel Island (ANGI) : Reference (Near) : DPA /HI Conzinc Bay North (COBN) : Impact : DPA/HI Conzinc Island (CONI) : Impact : DPA/HI Dampier Wharf North (DPAN) : Impact : DPA East Lewis Island 1 (ELI1) : Impact : HI East Lewis Island 2 (ELI2) : Impact : HI East Lewis Island 3 (ELI3) : Impact : HI Gidley Island (GIDI) : Reference (Near) : DPA/HI High Point (HGPT) Reference (Far) : DPA/HI Holden Point (HOLD) : Impact : DPA King Bay (KGBY) : Impact : HI Malus Island (KGBY) : Reference (Far) : DPA/HI North Withnell (NWIT) : Reference (Near) : DPA/HI South Withnell (SWIT) : Reference (Near) : DPA/HI Supply Base (SUPB) : Impact : DPA Tidepole Island (TDPL) : Impact : HI West Intercourse Island (WINI) : Reference (Far) : DPA/HI West Lewis Island 1 (WLI1) : Reference (Far) : DPA West Lewis Island 2 (WLI2) : Reference (Far) : DPAStatement: Three models of multi-parameter probe were used as a result of damage or failure: - In situ Troll 9000; - YSI Sonde 6820; and - Yeo-Kal YK-611. Each instrument in use was calibrated for each parameter on a fortnightly basis. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were measured by laboratory analysis of collected water samples. Two litres of water were taken from both the bottm and surface levels at each of the sites. Aerial surveys were flown at 770m in a Cessna 172 light aircraft using a 5 or 6 megapixal digital SLR camera.&rft.creator=MScience Pty Ltd &; southlimit=-21; eastlimit=117; northlimit=-20.5&rft.coverage=westlimit=116.5; southlimit=-21; eastlimit=117; northlimit=-20.5&rft_subject=oceans&rft_subject=Biosphere | Zoology | Corals&rft_subject=TURBIDITY&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCE&rft_subject=TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE&rft_subject=WATER QUALITY/WATER CHEMISTRY&rft_subject=SUSPENDED SOLIDS&rft_subject=OXYGEN&rft_subject=PH&rft_subject=SEDIMENTATION&rft_subject=OCEANS&rft_subject=COASTAL PROCESSES&rft_subject=WATER TEMPERATURE&rft_subject=CONDUCTIVITY&rft_subject=Dredging&rft_subject=Plume Modelling&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

Brief description

A water quality monitoring program established to coincide with the Mermaid Sound dredging projects in 2004 for assessed turbidity, suspended sediments and other parameters (Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Temperature, Salinity) every three days to start then weekly. To assist in locating monitoring sites - a model of sediment transport was developed. Also throughout the dredging program aerial surveys of the dredging location, monitoring locations and surrounding areas were undertaken on a weekly basis. They were flown of the same day as the water monitoring trip to allow for cross-referencing of visual observations and actual data.


Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Statement: For details of model refer reference below: GEMS. 2003. Dampier Bulk Liquids Berth Project: Dredge Modeling Study Stage 1. 024/03, Unpublished report to the Dampier Port Authority by Global Environmental Modeling Systems, Perth, Western Australia.
Statement: The water quality monitoring program for the Mermaid Sound dredging projects incorportated 19 monitoring locations throught the Dampier Archipelago. The names, designation and locations of each of the monitoring sites are given below: SITE : FUNCTION : PROGRAM Angel Island (ANGI) : Reference (Near) : DPA /HI Conzinc Bay North (COBN) : Impact : DPA/HI Conzinc Island (CONI) : Impact : DPA/HI Dampier Wharf North (DPAN) : Impact : DPA East Lewis Island 1 (ELI1) : Impact : HI East Lewis Island 2 (ELI2) : Impact : HI East Lewis Island 3 (ELI3) : Impact : HI Gidley Island (GIDI) : Reference (Near) : DPA/HI High Point (HGPT) Reference (Far) : DPA/HI Holden Point (HOLD) : Impact : DPA King Bay (KGBY) : Impact : HI Malus Island (KGBY) : Reference (Far) : DPA/HI North Withnell (NWIT) : Reference (Near) : DPA/HI South Withnell (SWIT) : Reference (Near) : DPA/HI Supply Base (SUPB) : Impact : DPA Tidepole Island (TDPL) : Impact : HI West Intercourse Island (WINI) : Reference (Far) : DPA/HI West Lewis Island 1 (WLI1) : Reference (Far) : DPA West Lewis Island 2 (WLI2) : Reference (Far) : DPA
Statement: Three models of multi-parameter probe were used as a result of damage or failure: - In situ Troll 9000; - YSI Sonde 6820; and - Yeo-Kal YK-611. Each instrument in use was calibrated for each parameter on a fortnightly basis. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were measured by laboratory analysis of collected water samples. Two litres of water were taken from both the bottm and surface levels at each of the sites. Aerial surveys were flown at 770m in a Cessna 172 light aircraft using a 5 or 6 megapixal digital SLR camera.


S. Anstee from Sinclair Knight Merz and Jim Stoddart undertook the study for Dampier Port Authority and Pilbara Iron (Rio Tinto)

Created: 02 07 2007

Data time period: 2004-01-06 to 2004-05-24

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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117,-20.5 117,-21 116.5,-21 116.5,-20.5 117,-20.5


text: westlimit=116.5; southlimit=-21; eastlimit=117; northlimit=-20.5


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