Brief description
This study produced qualitative models that assembled stakeholder perceptions of various assets and issues within the Peel Harvey estuarine system including water quality, wading birds, blue swimmer crabs and governance. The models were developed through workshops with a wide variety of stakeholders, including community groups, government agencies, researchers, managers and non-government organisations, and discussions with individuals or small groups following the workshops. Each model was used to assess the current situation and the drivers of change that were negatively impacting the focal asset. Potential management strategies were then identified and the ‘best case management strategy’, where both model stability and asset management were improved, was incorporated in a ‘future’ model. Common themes that arose throughout this process were the need to improve water quality throughout the estuary and nearby rivers by reducing nutrient input from various sources, and the need to alter current governance structures to allow effective environmental management.Lineage
Statement: *Stakeholder workshops and identification of modelling priorities* Asset identification and prioritisation was undertaken during a workshop with stakeholders to allow the construction of preliminary qualitative models and the identification of drivers of change within the Peel Harvey ecosystem. The workshop involved approximately 25 participants from a range of backgrounds and agencies *Qualitative model scenarios* - Recreational water quality models (Detailed water quality model, Estuary model and Serpentine and Murray River model) - Wading bird model - Blue swimmer crabs model - Governance models (Local governance model, High-level governance model) ii) Recreational water quality models *No new data are collected* The modelling process collates, integrates and synthesises existing data. Qualitative models are developed using published data and information gained through workshop discussions and interviews with key managers, stakeholders and scientists, the results of which are represented in the ecosystem models that are developed and described in the reports that are produced to describe the modelling results. For further information on methodology see final report.Modified: 21 07 2011
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