Brief description
The Science Plan for WAMSI Node 1 Project 1 characterised the south west Australian marine coastal and shelf ecosystem structure and function. Mooring progam An array of instruments was deployed four times between July2007 and May 2008, recovered after 4-6 weeks each time to download data, and service the instruments. CTD Surveys During the course of the mooring ocean currents program a ctd survey of the region was completed at approximately monthly intervals using the RV Linnaeus. In the first 2 surveys a grid of 25 stations was occupied after which a further 5 stations were added to the northern end of the grid.Additional information for this dataset may be available via the original MarLIN metadata entry:
Lineage: See data report uploaded with data.
Available: 2022-08-23
- DOI : 10.4225/08/50F624E6CA164
- Local : 102.100.100/10124