Brief description
This sub-project 'Transport Processes' - Project 3.3 aims to build on ‘conventional’ knowledge and formulations of sediment transport over open (bare) sandy beds, to develop new transport formulations applicable to a broad range of bottom types. The objectives of sub-project 3.3 (Field) are therefore to; 1) Develop new fundamental empirical relationships of sediment deposition and erosion rates applicable to a range of habitat types (e.g. coral reefs, seagrasses, etc.) as function of local hydrodynamics (waves and currents), physical properties of the sediment and bottom roughness/canopy characteristics. 2) Provide direct field measures of sediment fluxes, settlement and resuspension rates (both natural and dredge-generated) under real hydrodynamic forcing (3-week field study from 27 July–14 August 2013). 3) Incorporate new sediment transport routines applicable to a range of habitat types (developed in (1) and (2), within a community (open source) hydrodynamic and sediment transport model such as Delft3D or ROMS. In the future this new module could then easily be incorporated into any existing model. This metadata focussed specifically on the field experiments which occurred at Thevenard Island, central Pilbara and Northern Ningaloo ReefLineage
Statement: A three-week field study (27 July–14 August 2013) was conducted in approximately 1.5 m water depth on the reef flat at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, to quantify the cross-reef hydrodynamics and suspended sediment dynamics over the large bottom roughness (~20–40 cm) at the site.Modified: 03 07 2018
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Tantabiddi Sediment Dynamics Experiment (Ninglaoo Reef): Hydrodynamic and suspended sediment data (Data on Zenodo)
- global : a0b7f5c8-aac3-4498-a7f8-a127c11f8f02