
AGY-2168 | Wade Shire Council (1928-1981) / Griffith Shire Council (1981-1987) / Griffith City Council (1987- )

NSW State Archives Collection
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On 6 January 1928 Mirrool No.1 Irrigation Area was constituted as the Wade Shire Council under the Local Government Act, 1919. Enos Joseph Hudson, John Henry Kelly, Robert John Thomson, William Henry Wood, John Gibson Youll and Sidney Herbert Knight were appointed as a provisional Council. The role of the provisional council was to report to the Governor regarding the division of the Shire into ridings, recommending the boundaries; and advising the number of Councillors necessary. The Provisional Council also supervised the preparation of lists of electors and made the arrangements for the election of the first Council. Prior to this election the provisional Council performed all of the functions of a Council under the Local Government Act, 1919 and regulations under the Irrigation Act, 1912-1926. (1) The schedule to the proclamation described the exact boundaries of the new shire. (2)

Adjacent lands from Mirroul No. 1 Irrigation area in the parishes of Gorton and Yenda were added to the Shire on 12 October 1928. (3)

The Area of the Shire was extended on 19 April 1929 when land in the parish of Tabbita, a southeastern portion of Carrathool Shire, was added. (4)

A further portion of Mirroul No. 1 in the parish of Ballingall was transferred to Wade Shire on 8 August 1930. (5)

On 22 August 1930 the boundaries of Carrathool, Yanco, Wade and Willimbong Shires were rationalised. Amongst the alterations were: (a) part of Carrathool Shire was transferred to Wade Shire including land in the parish of Jondaryan, Verandah Rock Cemetery, parts of the Griffith to Hillston Railway, Mount Elliot Tank P.W.P. and part of the Yanco to Griffith Railway land; (b) 1,820 acres in the Parish of Bondi were transferred from Willimbong Shire to Wade Shire; and (c) 463 acres in the same parish were transferred from Wade to Willimbong Shire. (6) The boundaries of the four ridings that comprised the Shire were altered and these were proclaimed on the same date. (7)

On 8 August 1933 part of the 'D' Riding of the Wade Shire was transferred to Carrathool (8) and the following year land was transferred from Carrathool Shire to the 'B' Riding of Wade Shire. (9)

Further land was transferred from Willimbong to Wade Shire on 16 April 1937 causing alterations to the boundaries of 'C' riding. (10)

On 23 December 1960 an area of approximately 236,800 acres of the Carrathool Shire was transferred to Wade Shire. (11)

Wade Shire was re-named Griffith Shire from 1 January 1982. (12)

From 1 July 1987 the Shire was proclaimed both a Municipality and a City. (13)

In 2018, the NSW Government announced a new structure of local government entities, called joint organisations, to support councils to work together. The Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (formerly known as “RAMROC”), brought together 11 regional councils, including Griffith City Council, to provide a united and local voice for their communities on key issues. (14)

1. NSW Government Gazette, 6 January 1928, p.41.
2. ibid., pp.41-42.
3. NSW Government Gazette, 12 October 1928, p. 4491.
4. NSW Government Gazette, 19 April 1929, p.1689.
5. NSW Government Gazette, 8 August 1930, p.3188.
6. NSW Government Gazette, 22 August 1930, p.3349.
7. NSW Government Gazette, 22 August 1930, p.3357.
8. NSW Government Gazette, 25 August 1933, p.3093.
9. NSW Government Gazette, 24 August 1934, pp.3116-3117.
10. NSW Government Gazette, 16 April, 1937, p.1551.
11. NSW Government Gazette, 23 December 1960, pp.4073-4074.
12. NSW Government Gazette, 24 December 1981, p.6721.
13. NSW Government Gazette, 1 July 1987, p.3755.
14. Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation website, (accessed 13/01/2022).

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