Brief description
Tidal data collected from 7 autonomous stations, and 3 for use at short-term sites. Reference data from minor stations is available. Programme supports: determination of the marine tidal datum / tide predictions for safe navigation and recreation / coastal engineering design, environmental studies / development and management of marine facilities / storm surge information / Dynamic Under Keel Clearance for shipping / real time data for State Emergency Services and BOM for use during extreme events.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknown
Statement: Original record compiled for the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), Project 3.8, 2008. Originally sourced from WA Department of Planning and Infastructure researchers (May, 2008).
CreditTony Lamberto: Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DPI)
Modified: 06 2008
Data time period: 1976
text: westlimit=113; southlimit=-35.5; eastlimit=129; northlimit=-13.5
Acoustic |
Buoys | Wave Rider Buoys |
Ocean Waves |
States, Territories (Australia) | Western Australia |
oceans |
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Other Information
Tidal Predictions (WA Dept Planning and Infrastructure)
- global : 516811d7-cb06-207a-e0440003ba8c79dd