Full description
This series has been created to contain a variety of records created by Dugay's Bridge Primary School No. 1752 [previously known as Black Dog Creek 1876-1925] (VA 3266) identified as permanent in Public Record Office Standard 88/2 General Disposal Schedule for Schools Records.For various reasons, some of the permanent records identified in the Schedule may not have survived. The records actually transferred in this series were collected by the Education Department after the final closure of the school and as such are understood to be the only remaining records known to exist. Also, some schools were subject to periods of temporary closure. For further information about this school, please refer to the relevant entry in Vision and Realisation. A Centenary History of State Education in Victoria (1973).
The following records were identified as permanent in the Disposal Schedule. The attached Consignment Details will show which of these records were located and transferred for this school.
* Administration records - detailing the organisation of the school's operations, specifically:
- files of official correspondence which relate to matters specific to the school as received from either the Education Department or elsewhere. Files documenting general instructions or circulars from the Department have been culled and destroyed.
- a copy of the school newsletter
- diaries of the school principal or head teacher
- the school's investment register.
* Pupil records - The master record of student attendance in primary schools is the register of pupils. It records the pupil's name; dates of birth and admission; name, address and occupation of parent or guardian; schools previously attended; grades admitted; summary attendance record for each year spent at the school and destination after finally leaving the school.
Pupil detail is entered into this register from admission forms completed by parents prior to the admission or, in the case of transfers from other State schools, from transfer notes completed by the previous school. Some or all of these records have been retained if some or all of the pupil registers created by this school have not been located.
Pupil reports may also be found in this series but only if the school created and retained copies.
* Inspection records - comprising reports created by Departmental inspectors in the course of annual and supplementary visits. Inspections (and comments) are made regarding the condition of the school grounds, buildings, furniture and record keeping, school organisation, standard of instruction, time and discipline, teacher accommodation and audits of the sale of text books supplied by the Department. Reports were made by the inspector in the inspector's report book for the school. Since about 1980 these have been made in school review reports which were retained by the Department.
* School committees' records documenting their organisation and operation. These include Mother's Club, Parents' Associations, Safety House Committees and other committees associated with the school community. Specific records for transfer are:
- minute books
- correspondence files, and
- annual financial statements.
* School Council records documenting its organisation and operation. School Councils date from 1983 and comprise the School Principal, and representatives of the teaching staff, parents and the wider community. School Councils were responsible for the determination of the general educational policy of the school within guidelines issued by the Minister. Councils were also responsible for a range of other matters including the condition of the school grounds and buildings (including the organisation of maintenance, improvement and cleaning), forming opinions about the school's conduct and management and other duties prescribed by regulations. Between 1910 - 1983 all of these responsibilities except for the determination of school policy resided with the School Committee. Specific records for transfer are:
- minute books
- correspondence files
- annual financial statements, and
- policy records.
* Records created by the former School Committee and sub-committees of the Council may also be included.
Contents: additional records
This series may also contain records additional to those identified in the disposal schedule. This will be due to either or both of the following factors:
* Records were transferred to PRO or Education Department custody prior to the issue of the schedule. In addition to the above records, the following records were usually retained:
- attendance roll and examination register
- teacher's absence register
- teacher's time book
- teacher's record of collections
- corporal punishment register
- accident registers, and
- inward and outward transfer notes.
* Records not included in the disposal schedule. These may include the following:
- photographs, video tapes or films of pupils, teaching staff, school buildings and school activities/events
- other school publications such as student/staff bulletins, yearbooks and teacher handbooks, and
- records pertaining to unique events in the school's history such as openings, reunions, anniversaries or closures.
In some instances the series may include an Education Department (VA 714) file titled "Closed School File". This file documents the disposal of school assets (e.g., buildings, land), the revocation of school reserves and/or other activities associated with the closure of a school by the Department.
Data time period:
[1914 TO 1989]
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