Full description
This series was created to keep a record of deputy registrars in office within a district authorised to register births and deaths kept by the Registrar General's Department.Deputy Registers were created by the Act for Registering Births, Deaths and Marriages in the Colony of Victoria No. 26 1853.
The Lieutenant Governor of the said Colony with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, may for the purposes of this Act from time to time appoint, and as occasion may require, remove a Chief Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, and may by proclamation in the Government Gazette divide the said Colony into Districts, and assign the said Colony and Districts to the said Chief Registrar and Deputy Registrars respectively, or to so many of them as he may think fit, and may define the limits of such Districts ; and from time to time revoke vary and alter such division, and the limits of such districts, and from time to time appoint an office as a General Registry Office, and so many other fit and proper offices as may be necessary for keeping a register of all Births, Deaths, and Marriages, of the Inhabitants of the said Colony, and may revoke and alter such appointments.
It appears that besides keeping a record of who was in which district, they were used to compile a list of deputy registrars which appeared as an appendix in the Registry's annual report.
The information contained includes: District name; Christian and Surname of Deputy Registrars; Profession or Employment; Age; Date of Appointment; Remarks eg deed box supplied, resignation, gazette no's.
An alphabetical index of districts appears at the front of the volume referring users to relevant page numbers within the volume for that district.
Data time period:
[1853 TO 1905]
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