Full description
This series comprises of records documenting the employment details of staff who worked at Bundoora Repatriation Hospital (VA 5087) for the period covered by the cards.The first sequence of cards include the employees:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Private address
- Marital status
- Next of kin
- Country of birth
- Date of appointment
- Classification
- Qualifications
- Promotions and date of commencement in the position
- Date of separation from Bundoora Repatriation Hospital
The second sequence of cards repeats some of the information above, but also details the reason for separation (e.g. retirement, resignation, transfer to another agency or termination of services) and in some instances, comments about the employee's ability, skills, work performance and character.
Many employees transferred from Willsmere Hospital Kew (VA 2840) in 1988 when the Hospital closed.
Data time period:
[1956 TO 1992]
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