Full description
The series consists of the Order and Receipt Book which records two types of information and is divided into two separate segments within each page. The first section is the order component of the record, which is to apply for permission for the right of interment by burial or cremation. The second section is the receipt portion that relates to the purchase of the order of the right of burial or cremation.This record has put the order and receipt of the order in the one book, where previously there was a separate order book (VPRS 17047) and a separate receipt book (VPRS 17046).
The information that is recorded about the order is in two parts; details about the deceased and details about the burial/ cremation.
Details about the deceased:
- Name of deceased
- Denomination
- Late residence of the deceased
- Rank of the deceased [employment]
- Age of the deceased
- From what Parish to be brought
- What hour, if unusual or extra
- Nature of disease or supposed cause of death
Details relating to the Burial/Cremation
- If Selection made by trustee or applicant:
- Minister to Officiate
- Day of Funeral
- No of grave plan issued
- If a common grave
- If a family grave (not bricked)
- What depth and other dimensions
- If a family vault or brick grave
- If first or second interment
- Name for Certificate of Right of Burial
The receipt portion contains the following information:
- The day the order was received
- Charges for the burial/cremation
- Public or Private grave
- Who was ordering the interment
- Total amount of money paid
- Signature of the clerk of the Cemetery trust.
Data time period:
[1933 TO 1981]
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