
Vocabulary: EcoAssets Earth Science Features
EcoAssets (Owner)
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= EcoAssets Earth Science Features&rft.identifier= EcoAssets Earth Science FeaturesKeyword Mapping EcoAssets Earth Science FeaturesVocabulary for categorising Earth Science survey and monitoring efforts based on the features observed. This vocabulary is based on the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD, vocabulary, extended with terms from the TERN Feature Type vocabulary ( and modified to use taxonomic concepts URIs from the Australian National Species List (ANSL, in place of the GCMD Earth Science > Biological Classification vocabulary. ANSL categories map more readily to biodiversity survey categories, since GCMD depends on a top-level division between vertebrates and invertebrates rather than offering an animal category.\r\n\r\nThe Dataset includes three files.\r\n\r\nVocabulary_EcoAssetsEarthScienceFeatures_1.0.2023-03-23.csv lists the vocabulary terms, with the following columns:\r\n1.\tURI for term\r\n2.\tURI for parent term (empty for top-level terms)\r\n3.\tLabel describing term\r\n4.\tTrue if the URI is used as a feature facet (level 1, 2 or 3) in the EcoAssets Aggregated Data: Environmental Monitoring and Observations Effort dataset (, False otherwise\r\n5.\tShort form of label used for facet\r\n\r\nTreeView_EcoAssetsEarthScienceFeatures_1.0.2023-03-23.txt presents the vocabulary terms as a human-readable nested tree.\r\n\r\nKeywordMapping_EcoAssetsEarthScienceFeatures_1.0.2023-03-23.csv lists keywords used in TERN and IMOS datasets and how these have been mapped against vocabulary terms with the following columns:\r\n1.\tURI for term\r\n2.\tKeyword used in TERN or IMOS metadata\r\n3.\tNational Research Infrastructure (NRI) using keyword (IMOS/TERN)\r\n\r\nTo find out more about this dataset, visit:\r\n \r\n&rft.creator=Anonymous&,-45.62257 111.41967,-9.15753 157.1228,-9.15753 157.1228,-45.62257 111.41967,-45.62257&rft_rights=cc-at-4&rft_subject=Australian National Species List&rft_subject=Earth Science&rft_subject=Environment&rft_subject=Global Change Master Directory&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Brief description

Vocabulary for categorising Earth Science survey and monitoring efforts based on the features observed. This vocabulary is based on the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD, vocabulary, extended with terms from the TERN Feature Type vocabulary ( and modified to use taxonomic concepts URIs from the Australian National Species List (ANSL, in place of the GCMD Earth Science > Biological Classification vocabulary. ANSL categories map more readily to biodiversity survey categories, since GCMD depends on a top-level division between vertebrates and invertebrates rather than offering an animal category.

The Dataset includes three files.

Vocabulary_EcoAssetsEarthScienceFeatures_1.0.2023-03-23.csv lists the vocabulary terms, with the following columns:
1.\tURI for term
2.\tURI for parent term (empty for top-level terms)
3.\tLabel describing term
4.\tTrue if the URI is used as a feature facet (level 1, 2 or 3) in the EcoAssets Aggregated Data: Environmental Monitoring and Observations Effort dataset (, False otherwise
5.\tShort form of label used for facet

TreeView_EcoAssetsEarthScienceFeatures_1.0.2023-03-23.txt presents the vocabulary terms as a human-readable nested tree.

KeywordMapping_EcoAssetsEarthScienceFeatures_1.0.2023-03-23.csv lists keywords used in TERN and IMOS datasets and how these have been mapped against vocabulary terms with the following columns:
1.\tURI for term
2.\tKeyword used in TERN or IMOS metadata
3.\tNational Research Infrastructure (NRI) using keyword (IMOS/TERN)

To find out more about this dataset, visit:

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Vocabulary: EcoAssets Earth Science Features
Keyword Mapping EcoAssets Earth Science Features

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111.41967,-45.62257 111.41967,-9.15753 157.1228,-9.15753 157.1228,-45.62257 111.41967,-45.62257



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