
Upland Heath Swamps Plot Network: Hydrological Climate Variables, Dharawal National Park and Dharawal Nature Reserve, Sydney Basin, NSW, Australia, 2013–2014

Long Term Ecological Research Network
Keith, David, Professor
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Heath Swamps Plot Network: Hydrological Climate Variables, Dharawal National Park and Dharawal Nature Reserve, Sydney Basin, NSW, Australia, 2013–2014&rft.identifier=ltern.80&rft.publisher=Long Term Ecological Research Network&rft.description=The Upland Heath Swamps Plot Network Hydrological Climate data are monitored at automatic weather stations established by the University of NSW in 2013 within the study area. In addition, three soil probes placed along local soil moisture gradients in the vicinity of each station record soil moisture, conductivity and temperature at various depths below the surface at 30-minute intervals, which are averaged to produce daily mean estimates. The Upland Heath Swamps Plot Network research plots commenced in 1983 and have been revisited in 2004, 2009 and again in 2014. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Upland Heath Swamps Plot Network’s full program is provided at, David & National Park, Sydney Basin, NSW, Australia&rft.coverage=northlimit=-34.2008; southlimit=-34.26344; westlimit=150.84554; eastLimit=150.93563; projection=WGS84&rft_rights=TERN Attribution-Share Alike-Non Commercial (TERN BY-SA-NC) Data Licence v1.0&rft_rights=This work is licensed under TERN Attribution-Share Alike-Non Commercial (TERN BY-SA-NC) Data Licence v1.0. The licence lets others distribute, remix and build upon the work, but only if: (1) it is for non-commercial purposes, (2) they credit the original creator/s and any other nominated parties, and (3) they licence their derivative works under the same terms. Special conditions: Prior to publication of research utilising this data, the data provider (David Keith) requests consultation. SCIENCE&rft_subject=LAND SURFACE&rft_subject=CLIMATE INDICATORS&rft_subject=Soil moisture&rft_subject=Soil conductivity&rft_subject=Soil temerature&rft_subject=Weather&rft_subject=Rainfall&rft_subject=Evaporation&rft_subject=On plot weather&rft_subject=Climate change&rft_subject=Hydrology&rft_subject=Soil&rft_subject=SOIL SCIENCES&rft_subject=ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES&rft_subject=ECOLOGY&rft_subject=BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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This work is licensed under TERN Attribution-Share Alike-Non Commercial (TERN BY-SA-NC) Data Licence v1.0. The licence lets others distribute, remix and build upon the work, but only if: (1) it is for non-commercial purposes, (2) they credit the original creator/s and any other nominated parties, and (3) they licence their derivative works under the same terms.
Special conditions:
Prior to publication of research utilising this data, the data provider (David Keith) requests consultation.

TERN Attribution-Share Alike-Non Commercial (TERN BY-SA-NC) Data Licence v1.0



Brief description

The Upland Heath Swamps Plot Network Hydrological Climate data are monitored at automatic weather stations established by the University of NSW in 2013 within the study area. In addition, three soil probes placed along local soil moisture gradients in the vicinity of each station record soil moisture, conductivity and temperature at various depths below the surface at 30-minute intervals, which are averaged to produce daily mean estimates.

The Upland Heath Swamps Plot Network research plots commenced in 1983 and have been revisited in 2004, 2009 and again in 2014. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Upland Heath Swamps Plot Network’s full program is provided at

Data time period: 2013 to 2014

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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150.93563,-34.2008 150.93563,-34.26344 150.84554,-34.26344 150.84554,-34.2008 150.93563,-34.2008


text: Dharawal National Park, Sydney Basin, NSW, Australia


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