Brief description
This dataset is the U-series data for Pelorus Island as described in Roff et al (2013) Palaeoecological evidence of a historical collapse of corals at Pelorus Island, inshore Great Barrier Reef, following European settlement. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 10.1098/rspb.2012.2100 Methods: We surveyed three leeward reef sites at Pelorus Island (figure 1). At each site, four belt transects (1 m width, 20 m length) were surveyed on SCUBA at 4–6 m depth. Surficial death assemblages were collected by hand on SCUBA at eight points (n = ?40 fragments per point) at random across a single 20 m transect at each site. From these collections, fragments of the dominant genus/growth form present in death assemblages were identified, and samples were selected for U-series dating haphazardly (i.e. with no bias for taphonomic state of fragments). Sample fragments were sectioned laterally, and a sub-sample (2–3 g) of skeleton was taken from the cleanest section (i.e. unaffected by internal bioerosion) in closest proximity to the growth margin. Approximately 1 g of carefully cleaned material from each sub-sample was used for thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) and multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICPMS) U-series dating (Roff et al 2013 for more information) Format of the data: The dataset comprises of U-Th data obtained using thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) and multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC ICP-MS). Data is presented in a table in a word file (text: westlimit=146.48048066654; southlimit=-18.563422524415; eastlimit=146.49146699466; northlimit=-18.543166481935
(Project web site)
uri :
(Roff G, Clark TR, Reymond CE, Zhao J-x, Feng Y, McCook LJ, Done TJ, Pandolfi JM. 201 Palaeoecological evidence of a historical collapse of corals at Pelorus Island, inshore Great Barrier Reef, following European settlement. Proc R Soc B 280: 20122100.
doi :
(U-Th data [Word Zip 28 kB])
uri :
global : ce58a4c2-c993-434a-aa57-62cfa919a2ab
- global : 17dfb308-188c-4da5-816b-6ea0d9e115d8
- URI :