Brief description
The CIMSS Tropical Cyclone webpage helps achieve these goals by providing near real-time imagery, derived atmospheric analysis products, and TC intensity estimates from a variety of different satellite platforms for global analysis of TCs and their surrounding environments. Many of the products from CIMSS are developed specifically for use by TC forecasters worldwide to provide unique information in support of their specific TC forecasting missions.Full description
CIMSS Tropical Cyclone Team -text: true
Air Temperature |
Atmosphere |
Atmospheric Phenomena |
Atmospheric Pressure |
Atmospheric Temperature |
Atmospheric Winds |
Cyclones |
Hurricanes |
Storms |
Surface Winds |
Typhoons |
Vertical Wind Motion |
Vorticity |
Wind Shear |
barometric pressure |
infrared imagery |
satellite imagery |
storm location |
tropical cyclone |
wind speed |
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