Brief description
The present report provides the base data collected in the course of the study. It includes detailed information about each survey site and the results of the trip generation and parking demand surveys. The specific survey site information and associated survey data can be used by practitioners who wish to make direct comparisons with similar sites. Trip generation for the survey sites was collected using manual classification counts between 6.00 am and 7:00 pm on weekdays (one day per site). Observes were located on the survey sites (refer to the maps of the survey sites). All trip generation and parking demand counts were carried out simultaneously at each survey site. One of the service stations was also a subject of a special survey which included counts of vehicle movements into and out of the station for each 24 hours over a 7-day period, in order to gain an insight into the daily and hourly visitation patterns. Video monitoring was used to collect the traffic generation data from 7:00 pm to 6:00 am. Subjects
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