
Topographic Characteristics of Plots in Karawatha Forest Park, South East Queensland Peri-Urban SuperSite, Karawatha, 2007

Griffith University
Professor Jean-Marc Hero (Principal investigator, Managed by)
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Characteristics of Plots in Karawatha Forest Park, South East Queensland Peri-Urban SuperSite, Karawatha, 2007&rft.publisher=Griffith University&rft.description= Measurement of altitude, slope and aspect Altitude, slope, aspect were measured within each plot. Altitude/elevation was measured from the topographic maps of Karawatha viewed in ESRI, Arc GIS software, which had elevation data incorporated into the attribute data in the shapefiles. Aspect was measured by taking a compass bearing and slope was measured with clinometers perpendicular to the elevation contour within each plot midline. These measurements were made every 50m, totalling 6 measurements per plot. Elevation (altitude), aspect and slope of 33 one-hectare plots in Karawatha Forest Park. The plots are at 500 m intervals in a grid that covers the entire Park. Each plot follows the elevational contour and is 250 m long x 40 m wide. Measurements were taken during 2007. &rft.creator=Professor Jean-Marc Hero& northlimit=-27.61; southlimit=-27.65; westlimit=153.06; eastLimit=153.1; projection=WGS84 &rft_rights= All PPBio data will be made public within 2 years of collection, as long as those responsible for the collection are credited in any publications that use the data. We recommend that those interested in using these data contact the relevant data collectors to discuss the possibility of co-authorship. It is also suggested that you download and read the PPBio Data Policy and Procedures. &rft_subject=Foundational localised data&rft_subject=Healthy terrestrial systems&rft_subject=Environmental&rft_subject=Terrestrial&rft_subject=Forest&rft_subject=Elevation&rft_subject=Altitude&rft_subject=Aspect&rft_subject=Slope&rft_subject=Topography&rft_subject=Karawatha Forest&rft_subject=PPBio&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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All PPBio data will be made public within 2 years of collection, as long as those responsible for the collection are credited in any publications that use the data. We recommend that those interested in using these data contact the relevant data collectors to discuss the possibility of co-authorship. It is also suggested that you download and read the PPBio Data Policy and Procedures.



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Brief description

Elevation (altitude), aspect and slope of 33 one-hectare plots in Karawatha Forest Park. The plots are at 500 m intervals in a grid that covers the entire Park. Each plot follows the elevational contour and is 250 m long x 40 m wide. Measurements were taken during 2007.

Full description

Measurement of altitude, slope and aspect Altitude, slope, aspect were measured within each plot. Altitude/elevation was measured from the topographic maps of Karawatha viewed in ESRI, Arc GIS software, which had elevation data incorporated into the attribute data in the shapefiles. Aspect was measured by taking a compass bearing and slope was measured with clinometers perpendicular to the elevation contour within each plot midline. These measurements were made every 50m, totalling 6 measurements per plot.


Elevation (altitude) Aspect Slope

Data time period: 2007 to 31 12 2007

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153.1,-27.61 153.1,-27.65 153.06,-27.65 153.06,-27.61 153.1,-27.61



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