Brief description
Please refer to the manuscript - The development of DNA markers to resolve uncertainties of seabird bycatch identification from longline fisheries in Australian waters. - Supplementary Information FASTA files Custom reference DNA sequence databases for procellariiforms for each marker in FASTA format are available as Supporting Information (SuppInfo_COI_AP_reference_database.txt, SuppInfo_Cytb_AP_reference_database.txt and SuppInfo_CRBird_AP_reference_database.txt). DNA sequences obtained from 59 feathers samples from bycaught seabirds using COI_AP (n=19), Cytb_AP (n=59), CRBird_AP (n=54) markers in FASTA format is available as Supporting Information (SuppInfo_Bycatch_feather_sequences.txt). - Supplementary Table Table S1: Sample Information for the 99 reference samples obtained from museum collections, archived samples at the Australian Antarctic Division of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and seabird bycatch specimens. Table S2: The number of sequences and unique haplotypes included in the curated reference databases for all procellariiform species, and the resolution of each marker for species identification, for each of three genetic markers: COI_AP, CRBird_AP and Cytb_AP. Table S3: Species resolution, and the number of reference DNA sequences (N seq) and unique haplotypes (N hap) for the three selected primer sets for the 36 listed procellariform speciesLineage
Progress Code: onGoingData time period: 2019-02-01 to 2022-12-30
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