
Targeted Nutrition to Improve Maternal and Child Health Outcomes [ 2017 - 2022 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Maria Makrides (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Beverly Muhlhausler A/Pr Philippa Middleton Dr Andrew Mcphee Dr Carmel Collins
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Brief description Nutrition is vitally important to support the rapid growth and development occurring from conception to a child’s second birthday – the first 1000 days. Failure to meet nutritional needs during this critical period can have profound consequences for lifelong health. Through our CRE in Targeted Nutrition to Improve Maternal and Child Health Outcomes, we will provide nutritional interventions which optimise a mother’s health outcomes and ensure her children achieve their full potential.

Funding Amount $AUD 2,533,758.36

Funding Scheme Centres of Research Excellence

Notes Centre of Research Excellence - Clinical

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