
Targeted LOWering of Central Blood Pressure in patients with hypertension: a randomised controlled trial (LOW CBP study) [ 2013 - 2017 ]

Also known as: The LOW CBP study

Research Grant

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Researchers: James Sharman (Principal investigator) ,  Prof James Sharman (Principal investigator) ,  Sharman, James (Principal investigator) ,  Prof Michael Stowasser Prof Walter Abhayaratna

Brief description For over 100 years doctors have measured blood pressure (BP) using a cuff at the upper arm. However, this method has many drawbacks that can result in inappropriate treatment decisions. New technology has emerged to measure central BP, which allows a more accurate BP assessment and may improve patient care. This study will test the clinical value of this new measure of central BP. Findings are expected to lead to a change in the way that people with high BP are diagnosed and managed by doctors.

Funding Amount $AUD 1,442,404.97

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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