Brief description
This study was carried out in Ningaloo Marine Park and included both Commonwealth and Western Australian State Waters. Surveys were conducted at three sites adjacent to existing State marine sanctuary zones, Mandu Mandu, Point Cloates, and Point Maud. These areas were selected to test the spatial variation of benthic communities along a north-south gradient at the 10-100 km scales, (ie. 10km scale within sites and 100km scale between sites). At each survey site, fifteen transects at five depth zones from the seaward edge of Ningaloo Reef were surveyed using a towed video camera system (Towvid). Simultaneously, BRUVS (TM) (Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations) were deployed at various point locations in the study area. BRUVS (TM) deployments were opportunistic, weather dependent and varied among sites, three deployments at Mandu Mandu, six at Point Cloates and nine at Point Maud. The study was undertaken for the Commonwealth Government Department of the Environment and Heritage, to begin a process of describing deepwater biodiversity in the Ningaloo Marine Park and to address a lack of such information seaward of Ningaloo Reef crest. Another aim of the project was to identify any areas of high biodiversity in both Commonwealth and State waters of the park. This information would be used to assist in identifying potential sanctuary zones to preserve the areas of high biodiversity that are considered to be relatively important within the reserve. The study sites chosen were adjacent to existing State marine sanctuary zones.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
CreditHeyward, Andrew J, Dr (Principal Investigator)
Modified: 10 08 2024
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uri :
Ningaloo Marine Park - initial survey of seabed biodiversity in intermediate and deep waters (March 2004): Rees M, Heyward AJ, Cappo M, Speare PJ and Smith LD (2004) Ningaloo Marine Park - initial survey of seabed biodiversity in intermediate and deep waters (March 2004). Australian Institute of Marine Science. 54 p.
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