
Supplementary material 2 from: Muller E, Dvořák M, Marçais B, Caeiro E, Clot B, Desprez-Loustau M-L, Gedda B, Lundén K, Migliorini D, Oliver G, Ramos AP, Rigling D, Rybníček O, Santini A, Schneider S, Stenlid J, Tedeschini E, Aguayo J, Gomez-Gallego M (2023) Conditions of emergence of the Sooty Bark Disease and aerobiology of Cryptostroma corticale in Europe. In: Jactel H, Orazio C, Robinet C, Douma JC, Santini A, Battisti A, Branco M, Seehausen L, Kenis M (Eds) Conceptual and technical innovations to be...

The University of Western Australia
Muller, Elodie ; Dvořák, Miloň ; Marçais, Benoit ; Caeiro, Elsa ; Clot, Bernard ; Desprez-Loustau, Marie-Laure ; Gedda, Björn ; Lundén, Karl ; Migliorini, Duccio ; Oliver, Gilles ; Ramos, Ana Paula ; Rigling, Daniel ; Rybníček, Ondřej ; Santini, Alberto ; Schneider, Salome ; Stenlid, Jan ; Tedeschini, Emma ; Aguayo, Jaime ; Gomez-Gallego, Mireia
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.3897/neobiota.84.90549.suppl2&rft.title=Supplementary material 2 from: Muller E, Dvořák M, Marçais B, Caeiro E, Clot B, Desprez-Loustau M-L, Gedda B, Lundén K, Migliorini D, Oliver G, Ramos AP, Rigling D, Rybníček O, Santini A, Schneider S, Stenlid J, Tedeschini E, Aguayo J, Gomez-Gallego M (2023) Conditions of emergence of the Sooty Bark Disease and aerobiology of Cryptostroma corticale in Europe. In: Jactel H, Orazio C, Robinet C, Douma JC, Santini A, Battisti A, Branco M, Seehausen L, Kenis M (Eds) Conceptual and technical innovations to better manage invasions of alien pests and pathogens in forests. NeoBiota 84: 319-347. which DNA was extracted and used to confirm the specificity of the primers ccITS2F and SBD3R and probe SBD5P&rft.creator=Muller, Elodie &rft.creator=Dvořák, Miloň &rft.creator=Marçais, Benoit &rft.creator=Caeiro, Elsa &rft.creator=Clot, Bernard &rft.creator=Desprez-Loustau, Marie-Laure &rft.creator=Gedda, Björn &rft.creator=Lundén, Karl &rft.creator=Migliorini, Duccio &rft.creator=Oliver, Gilles &rft.creator=Ramos, Ana Paula &rft.creator=Rigling, Daniel &rft.creator=Rybníček, Ondřej &rft.creator=Santini, Alberto &rft.creator=Schneider, Salome &rft.creator=Stenlid, Jan &rft.creator=Tedeschini, Emma &rft.creator=Aguayo, Jaime &rft.creator=Gomez-Gallego, Mireia & pathogen&rft_subject=Acer pseudoplatanus&rft_subject=maple bark disease&rft_subject=heat wave&rft_subject=drought-induced forest disease&rft_subject=aerobiology&rft_subject=quantitative species-specific PCR&rft_subject=airborne fungal spores&rft_subject=climate change&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data



Full description

Isolates which DNA was extracted and used to confirm the specificity of the primers ccITS2F and SBD3R and probe SBD5P


External Organisations
Mendel University in Brno; Université de Bordeaux; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; University of Lisbon; Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research; Masaryk University; National Research Council of Italy; University of Perugia; ANSES Laboratoire de la Santé des Végétaux, Unité de Mycologie, Malzéville, France; Université de Strasbourg; Université de Lorraine; Universidade de Évora; Department of Meteorology and Climatology (Switzerland); Swedish Museum of Natural History; Réseau National de Surveillance Aérobiologique
Associated Persons
Elodie Muller (Creator); Miloň Dvořák (Creator); Benoit Marçais (Creator); Elsa Caeiro (Creator); Bernard Clot (Creator); Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau (Creator); Björn Gedda (Creator); Karl Lundén (Creator); Gilles Oliver (Creator); Ana Paula Ramos (Creator); Daniel Rigling (Creator); Ondřej Rybníček (Creator); Alberto Santini (Creator); Salome Schneider (Creator); Jan Stenlid (Creator); Emma Tedeschini (Creator); Jaime Aguayo (Creator); Mireia Gomez-Gallego (Creator)

Issued: 2023-05-18

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