Brief description
This dataset has been superseded by (Victorian Statewide Marine Habitat Map 2023). The Victorian Benthic Habitats - Gippsland Lakes (CBICS) is a synthesis of all existing benthic habitat characterisations of the Gippsland Lakes Region which have been reclassified to conform to the Combined Biotope Classification Scheme (CBiCS). The study area for this layer is defined as Jack Smith Lake in the west to Mallacoota in the east.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: continualIssued: 25 09 2017
Data time period: 2011-11-02 to 2012-01-13
text: westlimit=147.22778320311; southlimit=-38.199462890625; eastlimit=149.84252929686; northlimit=-37.584228515625
text: uplimit=30; downlimit=0
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global : 5feebe1a-2a8e-4707-99c3-3a8541c6fa7c
- global : 8359d896-3374-4f16-9e70-906d006cff91