
State Library of Victoria

Public Record Office Victoria
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Full description

Establishment and Functions

The State Library of Victoria was established under the State Library, National Gallery, National Museum and Institute of Applied Science Act 1960 and assumed responsibility for all functions previously undertaken by the Public Library of Victoria (VA 913). The State Library is Victoria's major reference and research library available for the use of the general public.

Archives Division

In 1955 an Archives Division was established within the Public Library of Victoria, subsequently known as the State Library of Victoria.

The Archives Division was established with the appointment of a Senior Archivist and two other archivists and was responsible for the examination and assessment of public and records of archival interest and for the arrangement and preservation of those which were deposited with the Library.

In 1973, the Public Record Office (VA 683) assumed responsibility for all functions previously undertaken by the Archives Division.

Location of Records

Some records are held by the Public Record Office.

See also List of Holdings 2nd edition 1985, section 3.3.6.

Data time period: [1960 TO 3000]

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