Brief description
These aerogeophysical data were collected as part of the ICECAP (International Collaborative Exploration of the Cryosphere through Airborne Profiling) collaboration in 2015/16 (ICP7). These data were in part funded by the US National Science Foundation (grant PLR-144390 to UTIG), ACE-CRC the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation, and supported by the Australian Antarctic Division through project AAS-4346. This data collection represents georeferenced, time registered instrument measurements (L1B data) converted to SI units, and is of most interest to users who wish to reprocess the data. Users interested in geophysical observables should used the derived Level 2 dataset. The data format are space delimited ASCII files, following the formats used for UTIG/AAD/NASA's predecessor ICECAP/OIB project at NASA's NSIDC DAAC. Fields are described in the # delimited detailed header for each granule. POSITIONING GPS provides the positioning (and timing) for all other data streams SPUTG1B post processed 50 Hz positions; ASCII; used as source for interpolated position data in all Level 2 data streams MAGNETICS Magnetics provides constraints on the depth to crystalline rock, and hence indicates the density of bathymetry SMGEO1B georeferenced total magnetic field data; 10 Hz ASCII ALTIMETRY Repeat track laser altimetry provides a history of thinning of outlet glaciers SLUTP1B georeferenced laser range data, no orientation corrections; 3.5 Hz ASCIIIssued: 2021-07-14
Data time period: 2016-01-24 to 2016-01-30
text: northlimit=-66.25; southlimit=-77.2; westlimit=107; eastLimit=126; projection=WGS84
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- URI :
- DOI : 10.26179/JYDX-YZ69
- global : 60039a3b-f2ad-4c23-8e51-c503c1a3c7bb